Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Last Day of April!!

 We are finally at the last day of April. It sure started out good with our trip and of course ended good too with everything greening up at home looking more like summer every day! 

Steve and I both had Monday off from working. We opted to go to the zoo since it was misty raining all day. 

We have never gone and looked at the Japanese gardens. Not sure why other than we always go in the winter. Spring is the perfect time to check it out with the trees and bushes in bloom. I'm sure this weekend they all will be in full bloom. It was still super pretty and the highlight of the zoo for me this time. 

They had rock bridges over the water

One of my favorite flower photos. They were selling bulbs that had been planted in the atrium for $1 each. I didn't have cash, so didn't purchase any but will remember for next time. 
This is the 2nd time we went during a replanting of the conservatory, so nothing to look at. We still got to see the sloth climb up the tree and eat. Usually, it's just sleeping and not moving as they are nocturnal. So that also was a highlight. We did go outside to check out the primates and giraffes, buffalo and foxes. We skipped the polar bears, tiger and seals. Maybe we'll be back this summer to check that out on a rain filled day? 

I work today, but just for a little over an hour. I had a schedule change, which moved to Thursday. It all works just fine. Plus, a client called and was added to my next weeks schedule. Steve also got a call for a job, which he forgot to return. Ugh!! I'm hoping he does that this morning and stays on top of any leads for more jobs. We need to start booking out more projects into June/July etc.. Which is why I need to do some advertising. I'll also ask a client that I heard wanted some remodeling work. 

Found some free things to do this weekend. At the State Fair they are having a horse show and then there is Cinco De Mayo parade and dog show in St. Paul which is also free. It's something to do if the weather is okay. Its supposed to rain Saturday. Which would work out for both since the horse stuff in inside and the parade is Sunday which it's not supposed to rain. 

Tonight is $6 dollar cheap movie night at 6ish. We are going to see Civil War. The previews looked good. 

I need to book seats this morning. Plus, remember to get tabs for my SUV today too after work. I'm out of coffee so it will be a stop at the store too. 

I did nothing after the zoo yesterday. Well, I helped a tiny bit with dinner. Steve made chicken taco's and I cooked or browned up the tortilla on the stove. We watched Below Deck from 7 to 9pm, and that took up the rest of the night. 

I need to move my potted plants on the deck to the front steps. It's supposed to storm this afternoon and they will be more protected at the front door. They are making a mess on the deck with the dirt splashing up from the heavy rain we had. 

I probably could groom Zoey today too, but I'll save that for Friday or the weekend. 

I could probably work on the deck and also plant my flower seeds around the yard or in some pots to see if anything comes up. I have morning glories that I also can plant and see if they come up too. I probably should have done that a few days ago to get the seeds going with all the rain. 

Celina's quick Monday interview was canceled due to a family emergency. I'm hoping that is rescheduled before her Friday interview, which is with the team and 2 hours. I'm guessing she will find out next week if she got the job. I sure hope so!! 

I'll be watching the last of the spring baking championship on TV tonight. It aired last night, but since we watch Below Deck and nothing is on Tuesdays, that's my day. Bummer it's the last one. With the weather getting nice, I usually don't want to watch much summer TV. We still have Survivor and the Amazing race for a few more weeks. 

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