Saturday, March 30, 2024


 We slept in only to be awakened by Zoey throwing up in bed. UGH!! So now I'm washing all the layers of bedding. I sure hope it comes out because it was Bright Yellow!! ish! 

We went out last night to our neighbor's friends new condo in St. Paul off Mears Park. They had setup the beds and couches but everything else was still in boxes. They moved in early and it took about 4 hours to have the movers get all into the condo and a total of 8 hours moving time. I should have taken some photos. We see the pro's and cons of living down town. With a dog I think that would be a big con, having to go and let out the dog in all types of weather and in the dark. Yikes!! Also just having all that concrete and big building all around tends to feel closed in. The homeless all around, etc.. it would be a lot to take in. The plus, it does seem like fun to live in downtown where there are restaurants, breweries, baseball games, the farmers market. Etc.. They have a cabin to escape to all year round, so only need to live in the city 3 to 4 days a week. I probably would have rented to figure out if we liked it before purchasing something that was on the market for 2+ years. 

Today, is check my SUV's breaks. They have been grinding a bit, so Steve needs to see how the break pads are holding up. We'll go to the gym this morning and workout. We did the Costco shopping yesterday. We still need a few items for breakfast Sunday/Easter. Chicken sausage, hash browns and raspberry jelly along with some fruit, pineapple, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries and potatoes. Should have picked up more of that stuff last night while at Costco!! Maybe we'll do Sam's which is less busy! 

I need to put together the grandkids easter baskets and figure out if I have enough stuff for each. Plus, set the table and clean the kitchen. 

I did most of the prep for camping yesterday, blowing up the air mattress to check to make sure it holds. I also checked the batteries in the fan and now we need to get down the rest of the camping stuff today. I don't want to wait, since we need to know if the lights work or if we need more batteries for those too. 

The weather still doesn't look good for our trip. Rain/thunderstorms. Ugh!!!!!! We'll still go but it would be a bummer of a trip as we wouldn't have as much fun with dealing with rain etc. We'd stick to car camping and skip tenting altogether! Steve might even suggest just driving home and skipping looking at anything or staying in the different places. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just rain for a bit then stopped but storms?? Not so much. I'm going to hold out that the weather changes and we don't get the washout vacation! 

Learned a new game last night. 5 tiles of 5 rows and you make words starting with 5 tiles, once you use all your tiles you say go and everyone grabs another tile etc.. till they are all gone. You add up the points and subtract the tiles left over. The winner of that round gets 25 extra points and you play to 500. That's using the scrabble tiles. I played one game but would like to play again. So I'll be teaching it to the kids and see how it goes. A good brain game. 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...