Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!!!

 Easter we had Kendra and family over for Easter with our neighbor friends along with Paul's mom and sister's daughter. It was a simple breakfast since our oven start button isn't working, so no quiche or coffee cake, nor caramel rolls. I Made waffles and crepes, then Steve cooked potatoes and scrambled eggs with 2 types of sausage and I cut up fruit. We had champagne for mimosas, so all was good! 

I gave the kids easter baskets and then had a small easter egg hunt for them. I was limited with jelly beans due to Madelyn's allergy to nuts. They were happy with the bubbles and all the candy. 

Steve and I used a Chinti grill gift card last night to share a pork dinner and some drinks. We still have 3 gift cards to use up for another time. 

Logan is with a friend this weekend to celebrate Easter. Glad he has friends houses to go to for the holiday and isn't sitting alone in his apartment. I did send him an Easter care package that he should get on Monday. So glad it was delayed because orig it was supposed to be delivered Saturday afternoon! He isn't going to be back till later today. 

We are going over to Jean and Wes, Amanda's parent house/Tim's gf parents for Easter Linner at 1:30pm today. They live in Hastings. Not sure all what to expect, but I'll bring along some games to pass the time. 

Celina made a strawberry cake and Steve made some rainbow coleslaw. I had clean up and all the breakfast stuff this morning, so I'm pretty much done with serving etc.. Nice to get a small break between breakfast and this afternoon. We normally have everyone over here, so it's nice to be invited out! 

I have a busy work day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I haven't heard back from the move out clean which is a little worrisome. I'll have to actually call and see what's going on with that and make sure it's still on the schedule! It's been ages since I meet with the people! I sure hope I still have that job as it's good paying! 

Steve also had lost a job or is on hold till further notice. It wasn't a big job, so not a big deal but still a bummer! He does have at least 2 - 3 jobs lined lined up when we get home. I'll have time to advertise and get more jobs hopefully after he finishes up those jobs by the end of May. We also sent off a quote, but have yet to hear back. Hopefully that will result in a job pick up too. 

We do have options should Steve not get enough jobs, which is move and build. Like I was saying, it would be in our best interest to actually do that regardless! We could build a house and a cabin being debt free right away after we sell our house. 

Celina didn't get the GM job. Ugh!! Now her contract ends May 31st. There just isn't much for jobs right now. So not sure what she is going to do if she is unemployed?? Maybe go back to school? Get a masters degree?? 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...