Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter Linner recap, April 1st

 We actually were invited out to someone else's house for a nice change in scenery for this Easter! So nice to not have to host at least one meal for the Easter holiday! 

I should have taken a photo of the outside of their house. It's in Hastings and historic due to the age. I forget how old it actually is? 18- - something? It's been added on a few times and you can tell by the step ups etc. It did have a cool old wood fireplace and a thick stairs rail. Just a lot to keep up! 

Celina made a delicious cake. Good thing we have leftovers!!

She had set the table for Easter. 
The fireplace

Looking into the kitchen. There were many rooms

Celina and Don at the kids table

Easter Linner. They had a smoked honey ham and we all brought sides to share. 

3 more days till we leave for our Texas trip!! I'm soooo ready to go on a spring break vacation!! We've been doing spring vacations for at least 3 years now mainly due to Steve having eye surgery and not being able to work for a few weeks. It's nice that this time around no surgery! He does have an eye appointment today at 2pm. 

Finally made it to April!! No more March Madness with the snow weather! We will have some rain. Speaking of rain... here's the forecast for Austin, TX but it's still a week away from the Eclipse and I sure hope the forecast changes to no thunderstorms or rain!! Right now it's a 60% chance with partly cloudy sky for the 8th. Ugh!!

We also leave for more camping on the 10th! More rain?? I sure hope we don't have to camp in the rain!! YIKES!! At least in the Ozarks that Saturday is nice as of right now. I'm not setting up a tent in the rain with the exception of the Ozarks!! A lot still can change at least I sure hope so!! 

I already had a cancelation this morning for work to be delayed until after our vacation. It's fine! Just would have liked the money for the trip, but whatever! Still not sure about the move out as I have not heard back. I'll call instead of text to see if I can get an answer either way. 

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