Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Still no change

 Still no change in the weather for the Eclipse. Ugh!! The weather on the other days keeps changing to a little bit better before, but look like we are going to get some rain on our trip home. That too can change! I just don't want any thunderstorms or bad weather!! So far that's not the case as it's happening all today and tomorrow. 

We spent all afternoon at the eye doctor. It was pretty backed up. Steve's appointment was at 2pm and he didn't get to see the dr till close to 4pm. Then after he had a quick photo of his retina. The good news is that his cornea is looking good, but his vision isn't all that great. They are keeping him on the eye drops and just going to keep monitoring as nothing needs to be done. Which is good news for now at least. 

I never did get to the store to buy Zoey dog food. We go to a special store in Rosemount that of course closes at 5pm. I'll have to go today since I won't have time tomorrow. 

Today is another busy work day, which for me is working past noon. I'm guessing I'll be done around 1:30/2pm? Maybe earlier? 

I sold our mirror with hooks that used to be in the mud room. I dropped the price from $25 to $10 and it sold right away. That's $20 earnings from selling stuff on FB for the month of March! Wish I had more stuff to sell and get some cash! I'll have to do more looking around the house and maybe we can purge more after our trip. 

I need to take the hammock down in the back yard today. I want to bring 2 hammocks with on our trip. Not sure we will use them other then in the Ozarks one day, but they don't take up much space! 

I'm a bit worried about the cold temps at night while camping. We will have to bring a hat to wear at night or at least have hoods. It would have been a good idea to try the warm water bottle in the sleeping bags at night. I should have bought one of those flat bottles to fill, but we can still use just regular water bottles and heat up some water and pour it into the bottle. I'll suggest doing that on our first camping night! Might as well try it to warm up the covers a little at least. Just can't make the bottle too hot. lol.. 

After the eye dr. We had leftovers for dinner. Celina made some tomatoes with garlic and basil to put on the bread with cheese for a fast pizza and then we heated up some the leftover crepes and had that for a desert. They heated up nice and made them crispy again which I like. We still have waffles and crepes to eat, but if we don't, they will just be bird/ squirrel food. 

We've been using the microwave oven's baking setting more and more and I'm starting to realize that it cooks a lot faster than heating up the entire oven. Unless we are having a big party, just that oven size is pretty perfect. I have yet to try making cookies or bread etc in that oven, but at some point I'll have to try it out! 

Steve picked up another job yesterday. It could be more work too if they decide to paint their kitchen, right now it's some work, but not a whole lot. Still added work and more money from my advertising efforts. We/I will be doing more of that when we return from our trip weather and schedule dependent of course. I plan to do as much as possible. Spring, summer and fall is the time when people want projects done and we need to fill up his schedule or at least keep him working. The other option is to just finish our home projects and move then build a house and cabin. We are sooo close to paying off the mortgage 100% that it would be a bummer to not be able to do that! We would just build a cabin at that point and then be able to rent it out and rent out our house while we travel. I suppose it would be easy to convert the main level into living on it for when we are older. We could change out the office into a bedroom and just expand the bathroom to add a shower for main level living. We could easily rent out the lower level and even upstairs rooms. Not sure that's what we would want to do, but at least an option or eventually sell and buy or build a smaller one level house. Lots to think about and some decisions to make. As long as jobs keep coming in, zero decisions need to be made which I think at this point is a lot easier for us. Although, sometimes being forced to make a decision when you can't is maybe better. Like when we lost our jobs, forced us to start our own business and figure it out asap! 

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Last of the season!!

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