Wednesday, April 3, 2024

We leave tomorrow at 4am!

 The plan is to be on the road at 4am. We will fill up on gas, pack the car, our clothes and just jump out of bed ready to hit the road tomorrow because its going to be a 10-1/2 hour drive without stopping and I'm sure we are stopping for bathroom breaks and lunch! 

Today, I work till ? Steve is helping with the move out and once that's done, we will fill up on gas, get food for our trip and then pack. We usually stay up and watch the Amazing race, but I think we'll skip that and just opt to go to bed around 9pm instead. Will that even be possible? I sure am going to try! 

I've had a rough 2 nights of not sleeping well. I was up last night from 1:30am to 4? Thankfully, I was able to sleep then from 4am to 6:45a.m. I probably went to bed around 9:30pm so I got plenty of sleep, just not continuous. 

All I did yesterday was work and then sat on the couch. I did bring in the hammock so we can bring that with on the trip. Steve went to his parents for dinner last night with Celina, so it was jut me home alone since the dog went with too. I just ate tomatoes/garlic/basil with toast, simple, but so good. 

I'll be super happy when my work day is OVER! Glad it was a busy short three days of working because I needed the money for our trip and bill of corse. I'll have a busy work week when we return too, which is good because I'm sure funds will be low from 10 days of vacation and then more bills due. 

Unfortunately, we will have to pay our taxes and mortgage the next day after we are home. Ugh!! Since we only have checks at the bank we hardly ever use but once a year, I'll have to transfer money just so I can write out that tax check, unless our bank can do a money order? No idea how that all works or if that's a thing at the bank? No clue so I'll call today to see if that's an option instead of going to the trouble of money transfer. 

I was trying to figure out some things we can do in Texas if it does rain while we are there. Other than the eclipse and pool day the first two days, we might have to settle on just breweries and wine tastings. Maybe movies? I'm really not sure what else there is to do if its a washout Sunday - Tuesday? I like to do things and not just sit around on vacation as I can do that plenty at home! 

I decided we'll bring them a biggish rock from our yard, so they have a little of MN in their yard and we'll take a Texas rock to bring home. I've brought smaller rocks home, but now that we are driving I can get a good size rock for our yard. A swap of yard rocks. I also can't forget to bring the games!! Cribbage and dominos!Maybe even play Wisconsin but rename Texas! lol... I kind of forgot those card rules. I'm sure it will come back once playing again. 

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