Monday, April 15, 2024

Back from Texas vacation!!

 We took a 10 day driving trip down to Texas to watch the eclipse on the 8th. I have so many photos to post and lots of trip information to share. I'll start on that post later, but for now I'll update on what's going on this week. 

Back to work and it's a busy week! It's good because I need the money after being on vacation and not having any money coming in. 

I got 2 calls for new clients too. Imagine that from flyers that I handed out weeks ago! Thankfully, people hang on to them and call later! I already picked up the one client for every 2 weeks and that starts next week. I have a client meeting this week, which should turn into a very 3 weeks job. Kind of screws up my schedule, but it's better than every month. Plus, another customer came back and is on my schedule. Still waiting for a few snow birds to return too. Probably starting up in May. 

It's tax day. April 15th so I have to get that sent off today. Joy! 

We are also out of printer ink, so I need to get more ink and stop at the bank to figure out how to transfer money from one bank to another that we have a checking account at. I'm thinking the bank should be able to do a money order? No idea as I've never done that. Might just take out money and deposit at the other bank and write out the check myself. At any rate, the check must be mail and post marked today!! 

I would have been more busy with work today, but have yet to hear back from one other client for this afternoon. I might have to text again just to make sure. So annoying!! 

After Celina got bad news on not getting the GM job, She now has another interview for W.F but it's again a contract position for only 6mo. I'm guessing they will either hire or extend it? They are out of Austin TX, so it's 100% remote which she likes. This job would start in 2 weeks, so she would give notice and quit a month early which she is fine with. Fingers crossed she gets this contract job and it turns into a permeant job. She had an interview this week, probably by Wed and then will find out right away by Friday as they want to hire asap. She still has time to find a job, by May 31st if this doesn't work out. There just aren't many openings and again this would be perfect!! Fingers crossed again!! 

Logan comes home next week for a few days. I'm looking forward to having him home even though he will be home late Tuesday/ train arrives at 10:50pm and probably leaving Thursday morning? Not really sure if he will take the car or train back. I'll have to pay for one or the other?? 

Other than working this week and paying a bunch of bills including Logan's college. That's all we are doing. No weekend plans. It's only going to be in the 50's this week. Not very warm out. We got used to summer like weather on our trip and now it's back to early spring. No leaves on the trees, but the grass is green!

Here's a few green summer pictures from our trip. They weeks ahead of us! 

 I'll post the full trip in sections in other posts, probably will separate out by our location. 

I'm happy to be home, but really liked the adventure of being somewhere new. I love our hip camps since its always an adventure. If we could do it all summer I would! We have a thing called work and earning money to live that gets in the way of doing that. I also don't want to speed up time and be older to get SS. I'm ready for passive earnings, so at least that's an option for future travel during the summer months. I think we determined that we are good with a few weeks in the summer of travel or a few months but really need a home base. 

It was good to see Celina and Zoey when we got home. 10 days being gone felt like forever. Then all of a sudden it was over just like that. We do have the lake to look forward to and thankfully, Logan coming home next week then for the summer the middle of May. Plus, we have all of summer, lots of camping, trips to the lake etc.. 

We have home projects to do to keep us busy on the weekends until it's nice enough to do more camping. We don't have any other trips planned right now. Just Memorial Day at the lake the end of May. Maybe go up before if the weekend is warm? 

We will catch up on our missed TV weekly shows of the Amazing race and the baking championship. We caught up on Survivor last night, so one less show to watch. 

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