Friday, March 29, 2024

Friday, Friday, Friday!!

 I need to stop checking the weather for the 8th! It's not looking good and then it could keep raining in the places we are camping on the drive home from Texas. Ugh!! Could this be a wash out of a vacation? Maybe, stay tuned... We will still go but maybe change our plans a little? 

I work today at noon, so I have time to do some morning errands and get to the gym. I slept in till 7:30am, so getting a very late start for me!! 

Some of the snow melted on the yard yesterday and I expect a lot more of it gone after today. I see temps in the high 40's coming up with a 60 soon. The buds on our trees must be super confused because they are dropping all over our deck. It might be too late to do any clear coat on the deck with all the tree dropping since it's already started. It just one dropping after another as we have a Maple tree and cotton trees all around us. 

The neighbor friends officially moved out yesterday. I went over yesterday at noon to help with the move out. It was supposed to be today, but the closing is at 8:30am. The new people will be doing the move in today. It won't affect us as much as our other neighbor friends who live across the road from them. Change is tough sometimes. It's going to be a younger family too, so not as much in common of course. When we were at that stage we were always hoping for young kids and now want older people. It sure did switch for us! The neighborhood is once again getting more young kids mixed in. We've lost quite a few originals, but there is at least half of us still here. 

I didn't do great on my diet yesterday. I ended up eating some candy gummies after dinner. I decided to make pasta for myself and some parmesan toasted buns, then had a Thai salad for lunch which was just okay but only $2 from Costco so no loss on that. I'll still eat the remaining 2 salads that aren't as good as the poppy seed dressing salads that I normally get. 

It's Easter weekend. We will have plans most of Sunday, so won't really do a whole lot that day. Saturday I'm assuming we will gather up all our camping stuff for the trip. I'd like to do a few home projects that day too or even this afternoon. I really need to finish up the mud room and be done with the painting! I'm always wanting Steve to work on the spare room and at least install the closet shelf we got the brackets for. I'm not wondering if he even knows where all the brackets are we purchased? That's the next room I'd like to update with fresh paint and recover or get a new headboard and finish up the trim. Also the nook still needs some more mud, sanding and then painted. It's a project I'd like to finally wrap up! Guess we will be saving that too for another weekend we are home! grr... 

I did sell that 2 cube for $10. Which reminds me, I need to change the listing as sold on line. It would be nice to sell stuff daily. So now to look for more to sell!! Most of our stuff is so old and out of style by the time I want to sell it, I am just giving it away for free to get rid of it. 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...