Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Dieting week #11... so much progress!

 I've really made a lot of weight loss progress in 11 weeks. I started off with a waist at day 9, of 40.5 inches! I'm now down to 34, 6-1/2 inches lost! I'm down to size 11 jeans, went from an XL tank to a medium and leggings from XL to a large or medium size. While I still have stomach and arm fat to lose, I have this diet and working out thing down! 

Here is what worked for me

Daily fitness and food journal. I record everything I ate and what time with aprox calories. I tried to stay around 500 for the day. Most days it was over and weekends I splurged, but made better splurge choices.  I switched out drinking high calorie IPA's to hard sparkling waters, which save around 60 to 100 calories. Plus, I cut way back on alcohol drinking more water instead or just having one. 

I also ate the same lunch every day and measured out 3 cups of popcorn. Dinner was a mix, but I mostly ate soups with lots of veggies to fill me up. Sweet potatoes or some kind of protein (chicken/Canadian bacon/pork). If I wanted an after dinner snack, I'd choose more popcorn or a pomegranate and raspberries. 

I completely skipped cookies and candies during the holidays. I did have a bite here and there, but not much at all. I planned for meals out, sharing food with Steve so I could eat less and give him the bigger portion. 

For exercise, I joined Planet Fitness after a few weeks on my diet. I started off slow, just walking on the treadmill and lifting weights/machines. Now I'm up to 30 minutes on the stair mill and lift machine weights for 20 minutes. I always reward myself with a 10 minute chair massage after the workout. I also have been cross country skiing when the weather and snow conditions are right. Plus, keep track of calories burned while working. 

I also make sure not to skip my daily plank and dumb bells. Little changes added up to big goals for my weight loss journey. 

I also planned weekly rewards for my dieting and working out efforts. I bought new sunglasses, leggings and tank tops, jeans, stuff for the house (pillows/new sheets) and got a facial. I still have get a pedicure on my reward list. Might be my week#11 reward!! 

This weekend might be more challenging to stay on a weight loss diet with going to a cabin Friday-Sunday. I will bring popcorn for a lunch. I'm sure Saturday will be a splurge day with maybe getting a coffee flight and eating out along with alcohol. I don't plan to have too many to drink and not much to eat. Just really being careful what I select to indulge in. I hope to get some exercise too, with cross country skiing. There is also a PF gym up in the area we can do a workout at. Not sure that will happen but it would be nice to get a little exercise! 

Last night was Bingo and Steve and I both won. Steve had to spit his winnings with another winner. I got to keep all $44. Nice! Paid for the night out. I just ordered the taco's without cheese and brought extra salsa. Limited myself to 1 hard seltzer. I was still hungry and could have used some fruit for dessert but of course we didn't get home till after 9pm and I was fine by then. I think seeing burgers and onion rings with fried chicken made me more hungry! lol.. I ate 2 beef sticks before dinner and it was a good thing I did! They were tasty, spicy and delicious! 

Yesterday, I skied for an hour, then gym: stairs for 30 min followed by 20 min of weight machines. Burned around 650 calories for the day! I ate around 850 calories a good day of dieting! 

Today will be working and burning calories, followed by the gym (stairs/weights) and then skiing! It's going to be 39*F today! Tomorrow might snow so I need to get in skiing! 

Still working on our taxes. I sorted and entered easy receipts of mine. Now on to the receipts that all need calculations. After I do that, I'll enter and then gather up the report and will be done by the 21st my accountant appointment! Yikes it's coming up fast! 
I always double cross my fingers that we will get money back and not owe! 

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