Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Number 70 weight loss journey!

 Yet another goal day reached!! Day #70 and the last day of week #10. Tomorrow is a fresh week! 

I still need to measure my hips, waist and thighs. Still not going to step on the scale. I'm doing fine without knowing my weight. I must be in the 170's! According to my weight predictions of losing 3 pounds per week, I'd be at 173, which I think must be about accurate with all my cheat weekends. I suppose it's possible to lose 4 pounds a week too, but I'm being conservative and sticking with 3 because it could be less too. I'm sure I at least lose a pound if not 2 per week and I'd like to think 3 for my efforts of burning calories and sticking to the low calories is more like it. 

Still have some stomach roll to deal with, but it's going down every day! I keep telling myself every morning I weight less than I did last week and less than I did a day ago. I'm also building muscles by lifting weights at the gym, so I know that adds weight, but makes fat less too. I'd love to have tone arms again and have stomach muscles! I just need to keep going and not quit working out. 

Yesterday I accomplish quite a lot, did a little tax data entry and finished up our meeting, gas and med receipts. I started my business receipts, but didn't get far. I have just all my receipts to enter then get totals for other expenses put all on a report spreadsheet and I'm done. Sounds simple but it will take me a few days at it to tally up all and get everything entered. I'm going to do a chuck more of it today. Maybe sort receipts first and enter easy ones that I don't have any calculations. 

I also did a little shopping. I went to look for seat cushions for the new bar stools we purchased for Steve's parents. Didn't find any bar stools but I did get a few misc items, square large ice cube tray, some V-day kitchen towels, lemon pepper spice, some bags and a new large pink water bottle for the gym, and some silicone/metal straws for my other water bottle. Things I didn't know I needed. Plus, later went to Costco for popcorn and sweet potatoes along with other stuff Celina wanted for meals. At night, Steve wanted to go to Aldi so I went along for the ride. We mostly just picked up bread and tomatoes. I also found some spicy hummus to try. 

I found time to go skiing for an hour and then to the gym. I ended up burning at least 600 calories since skiing burns around 400 and another 200 on the stair mill. I did back off on the speed for the stair mill 4 most of the time with the last 14 min at 5, then the last 15 seconds at 10. A good fat burning workout that makes me sweat! I'm not sure how long I do the weight machines but it must be at least 15 to 20 minutes. I always forget to check my watch. 

I'm still stuck at the same waist, hips and thighs as last week. That's okay, not every week I'm going to lose half an inch. It's impossible to measure my arms, but I can tell by my jacket and tops that they have thinned down. Maybe I lost back or arm fat that I'm not aware of? I'm going with that explanations! 

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