Wednesday, February 1, 2023

That was rough!

 I'm not going to lie, all day yesterday was a tough wanting to eat day. Probably didn't help that I was watching a kids baking show most of the night. I probably need some protein in my diet to fill me up more. I don't think my soup and popcorn is filling me up! 

It's week #10! A new week starting on my diet. Excited to move on to week 10 and lose even more weight! Plus keep up on toning. 

I did google how long it takes to notice a tone up after lifting weights, 8 to 10 weeks! I started at the end of December, so going on week#6 of toning up. I can tell my cardio level has increased. I was on the stair master for 30 minutes yesterday and was dripping in sweat. It was tough, but I kept going. I get a better work out then walking 30 minutes. Plus, upping my weighs and doing more time. 

I am able to wear my gray tank top once again. It fits!! All last summer this was too tight. Now I can wear it comfortably once more. Feels great to have more options to wear. I do need some new leggings, in large. I have all XL and they are baggy. Not what I want to be working out in! I do have some older leggings but they are more cloth like fabric, no lycra texture. I'll reward myself with at least one pair of leggings if not 2. Plus, I'd love a pedicure, but might save that for next week. 

While I don't feel like I lost much weight from last week, I did lose a 1/2 inch on my waist and hips. I still have weight to lose and I don't want to get discouraged. I was a little bit discouraged last night, because I was hungry and ended up eating a pomegranate and some popcorn after dinner. Not a big deal since I was still only at 830 calories for the night. I made good choices too for snacks. I would like to go back to 500 or less per day, to lose weight faster, but it will come off and that's not going to make me want to exercise if I'm so low on calories I don't want to move. I'm going to concentrate on moving more. Getting tone. I'm pretty happy with how I look in my clothes. I still see a fat person when I see fat on my back or under my arms. That will be gone in a few weeks. I just need to stay on track with my diet and exercise. 

Today, is a little splurge flight of coffee morning with my neighbor friend. I figure the caffeine will help me want to stay busy today going to the gym and cross country skiing. It's going to warm up to 20 today by 2pm. 

My food plan even though I need more protein to stay full is the following. 
Am - coffee flight 150
noon- popcorn 130 
Even - Thai soup 400
Few pita chips with spicy hummus  100
Total calories = 780

Working out- plank, dumb bells morning
Gym, stairs 30 min and weight machines 20 min
X-ski 1 hour afternoon. 

Plus, shop and go to the bank and clean the dishes in the kitchen. 

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