Monday, February 27, 2023

Weight change

 Here's where I was with weight gain in August of 22. I need to put on this outfit and see where I am now.. 

I still think my face needs more weight loss and arms/stomach but I've made big progress just since Nov 30th. It's day #90 in my weight loss journey. 

I'll try on my summer outfit later on today and post a comparison photo of before and after. One thing I heard was to take lots of photos of your journey along the way. I really don't want a bunch of fat photos. I hated having my photo taken because I didn't like the way I looked that heavy. 

What's my motivation to keep going every day? Just wanting to get back to feeling good. Reaching that goal of being able to wear a swim suit this summer instead of a cover up and shorts/sports bra. I want to have more clothes to wear. 

Sometimes I think my stomach and arm fat are never going to go away. I keep expecting to not be able to grab fat and there it is.. still on my body. I just keep telling myself that tomorrow it will be less and the next day, week and month. I'm almost at day 100, but not done with weight loss at that point either. 

What have I changed in 90 days? 
I joined Planet Fitness and like going to the gym once again. 
I found a workout at the gym that I like. Stair mill for 30 minutes that makes me sweat. Plus lifting weights again for 30 minutes. I'm looking forward to the day where I have muscles again! I was reading it takes 4 to 6 months. I started in January, so by April/May which is my goal dates I should start seeing the results of my hard work. I've been trying to go workout 7 days a week. Hit my goal the last 2 weeks in a row. 

I used to not do my morning workout of planks/dumb bells and just lay around all morning till work. I'd work till noon, eat lunch and snack all afternoon just laying on the couch till the next day. No wonder I gained weight. I just never felt like moving more after working. Plus, drank too many high calorie drinks. Indulging too much was the reason I put on weight over covid. 

12 years ago,  I lost over 50 pounds dieting the same way I am doing right now. I again had to lose at least 20 to 30 pounds before covid.. so this is the 3rd time losing quite a bit of weight. It works what I'm doing with my diet. Adding in exercise makes me keep the weight off. I only gain when I quit working out and stop watching calories. Which I know I'll have to do after I reach a goal weight. 

What doesn't work.. weighting myself while losing weight. I measure my waist, hips and thighs instead of stepping on the scale. Water weight will fluctuate day to day, week to week. I don't want to get discouraged if I think I should be losing 2 to 3 or 4 pounds a week. It would send me off my diet and probably would give up before reaching my goal. 

What also works is liking a workout. Wanting to go to the gym and sweat. Wanting to go ski or bike and even take a walk to burn calories. Splurges on the weekends too. Looking forward to a night out but not over doing it with food. I might have with drinks but it's okay to live a little too. Progress won't be as fast but there needs to be balance and I need to relearn how to live and maintain my weight loss. 

Do I know how much weight I've lost? Nope. I can figure out it's been 13 weeks and if I lost 3 pounds per week that would put me at 39 pounds or 2 pounds a week at 26 pounds. I really don't know what weight I got up to. I can sort of guess?? I should be around 170 to 160 pounds. I'm hoping closer to the 160! 

How will I know I'm at my goal weight? By my old swim suit fitting. It's still a little too small on the top (spilling out on top) and I haven't tried on the bottoms. Probably should just to take an inventory. I'm guessing I have another 20 pounds to lose. Which would put me right at 165. I do think I look 100% better. My old skinny jeans are still a little tight too. Which I know means I must lose weight. I was also wearing size small tank tops. I'm in medium. Goal would be 145. I should be able to lose 8 pounds a month if not 10. So two more months of weight loss then maintain for the summer and beyond. I really don't want to gain that much weight back ever again. It's a possibility, but at least I know I was able to keep it off for years and know what went wrong. I stopped running due to foot pain. Now I bike, exercise at the gym and ski. Plus, stopped drinking lots of empty calories. 

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