Thursday, March 2, 2023

8 more days!

 Yes that's right.. 8 more days till I hit day #100 of my weightloss journey! 

I'm feeling pretty good about my progress. Do I wish I didn't have any more stomach fat! Yep but I keep telling myself that everyday its getting smaller and smaller. I did try on some old black size 6 jeans and can squeeze into them but can not fully zip and button up. There is still stomach fat to purge in order for those to fit and zip up again. I'll get there and nope, no photos of the stomach fat spilling over the top. 

Not the best looking photo of dinner last night. Asian Pork chops and fried rice. I made the rice and Steve made the pork chops. I've been eating lots of the same foods with the exception of Friday/Saturday nights where we go out to eat. I did go back for more rice as it was that good. Haven't made fried rice since Covid lock Down.  I still stayed around 715 calories for the day since I only have popcorn for lunch and ate some raspberries and pickles for an after dinner treat. Also had a little more popcorn since I was still a little hungry. Sure I would lose more weight if I was closer to 500 calories per day, but it's not easy to do, so around 700-750 per day is more like it. I know it will take longer to get to my goal weight, but I have time since I'm aiming for May. We are only starting the month of March. I'm sure I can lose at least 10 pounds this month or 8 minimally. Will I be at my goal weight? No idea but I'll be able to tell when I'm done losing weight when all the stomach fat is gone and doesn't spill over my skinny jeans. At least I'm able to fit into all my old skinny clothes. I just need them to fit better. 

What is the one thing I need to change or do if I plan to keep off the weight and not keep gaining it back? That is the question I need to figure out. 

I know the weight was kept off by running an hour every day. Since I no longer run. I will have to keep going to the gym every day, biking or skiing. Making sure I get at least an hour of exercise a day. Plus, I can't just eat whatever all the time. I have to save splurges for the weekend and even then keep it under control, sharing meals and eating less of it. Plus, limiting drinks to 1 or 2 max and choosing lower cal drinks. I also need to do fit checks, try on clothes and if they are getting tight, go back to calorie restricting  of 500 to 1000 calories per day. I might always need to stay on a diet of sorts. Maybe not as low as 500 to 700, but under 1500. I have always kept track of what I ate, but not always write calories. It's mostly just a guess of the calories most days. Just easier to do when not eating as much. 

I'm getting tired of the snow and cold. Seems everyone is going on tropical or warm weather vacations. Since we owe $2500 in Fed taxes, we are not going anywhere on a trip at least not by plane. We might do a driving/ Camping trip south to chase warm weather this spring. We just need to figure out when its best for Steve's schedule and when its worth the drive to warmer/ south weather. A trip to Nashville and Memphis is what I want to do this spring. 

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