Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Zoey's snow paths

 We've made snow paths on the deck for Zoey. Spring in a few weeks can't come fast enough! 

She can't really get around much in the back yard. 

Diet progress! Today is week #14!! 

I'm all out of my Chicken Thai soup. I mostly had broth left so I added white rice to the mix. Delicious! I've also been hooked on berries for an after dinner treat. Mostly I like raspberries but have been eating strawberries too. Which ever is cheaper! Can't wait till watermelon is back in season as that's my favorite along with cuties and pomegranate. 

I don't have a meal plan for tonight. Maybe rice with salsa or I've been wanting asian food, my trader joes pork or chicken soup dumplings with rice. 

We had just a dusting of snow last night. Not that 3" we were supposed to get. I was hoping it would be enough snow to go ski. I'll have to look at the on line trail info to see if its worth going. Next week we are expected to get snow a few days in a row. March is the snowiest month! 

I had a super busy Tuesday, Worked till noon, accountant appointment to pick up our taxes (We owe) and then to a new customer estimate, followed by the gym and then to two banks and the gas station. 

Today is less busy. Just working in the morning with a slow drive since the roads are snow covered in slush. I'll be going to the gym this afternoon and then watching the new Survivor on TV tonight at 7pm. I do need to go to Costco tomorrow to pick up more popcorn and some cleaning supplies. Plus, I'd like to go to TJ Max and pick up a few tops to wear. I need to clean out my closet this weekend. It's a mess and I have far too many clothes that I no longer wear due to being out of style. Time to purge! 

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