Saturday, March 18, 2023

Goal markers

 Do I have any more goal markers now that I'm past day 100.. at 109? 

The only markers I have are checking off each week of dieting/exercise. Of course I have one big goal left and that is to get to my Goal Weight around May/June when summer swim season starts. I did try on my swim suit and it fits. Fits enough so I could wear it, but I still have more weight to lose to feel 100% great in it. Just fitting isn't enough. 

My reward for getting to week #16 was a pedicure. It had been on my reward list for a while and I finally got one.  I choose light pink gel polish. I'm ready for Sandel weather. What's my next reward? Maybe new sandals or earrings or another pair of jeans? Not really 100% sure at this point. I don't feel the need to actually get a reward every week. I just have it on my list and should I find something, it goes towards that  weeks reward. 

Since it was St. Patty's Day on Friday, I wanted to try the mint brownie cookie from Crumble. I shared it and ate a wedge of cookie and then had another thin slice. I got home and there was still a slice left, so I finished it off. No guilt what so ever! I have't been eating any treats, so since I really enjoyed it, I ate it all. Not sure how many calories but I put it down for 200. It might have been more?? Well, worth the calories I ate. 
We started our St. Patty Friday night off at Baldman Brewery. I opted for the amber beer, again well worth the calories! I usually try to find a hard seltzer, but chose the beer instead. Then went to IGH Brewery and had one more Amber beer. 

Steve and I have been sharing food. So he picked the Philly steak sandwich. I did get cheese but kept the mayo on the side. I don't even like mayo, so no issue not having it on the sandwich! I also gave him most of the fries. 

Zoey all ready for St. Patty's Day!
These two, So cute! I should have dropped off Lucky Charms cereal and gold chocolate coins on the porch. I suppose I could still do that today! Along with a note. Might be a cute idea! 
I saw this on snapchat. Now if they could make this donut here, and not in London, I'd be all over it! Looks delicious! I'd be 100% getting this donut! 

I sure didn't feel like being at the gym on Friday. I did it anyway. I just went through the motions and didn't push myself. Some days it's fine to just be there and that's good enough. I still burnt 300 calories for my efforts. I even managed to keep moving at home, cleaning our house too! I just didn't count those calories. 

In all I burned 300 and ate around 1070 for the day. I also forgot to include a little humus and pita chips at the end of the night along with a cup of raspberries. Can you tell I was still hungry after drinking most of my calories! This is why it's better to skip the drinks and eat actual food. Maybe why my stomach fat isn't going away? 

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