Friday, March 17, 2023

Happy St. Patty Day!

 St. Patty's Day .. Friday! 

Thankfully I don't work today! I was burnt out from work yesterday. Not sure why some weeks I feel like that? Glad to have the day off and get my weight loss reward of a pedicure today! I can not wait as I've been looking forward to this for a long time. It's my week #16 reward! I need it after struggling to want to go workout yesterday afternoon. I usually have Celina or a neighbor friend to go with. This makes it easier to stay motivated. Well, not every day I'm going to be motivated, just like work burn out, I will have workout burn out too. 

It was also a rain day. We did not get any snow and it was around 40+F, so the snow was also melting fast. We never did get more than a dusting of fresh snow. That won't be enough to ski! It will be all ice since the temps dropped to 10*F degrees over night and into today! Burrr... COLD! We are going to warm back up into the 40's by Monday. I'm guessing my ski season is over by the looks of the weather forecast. I can't ski on ice! 

I'm 100% fine with skiing season being over. I'm ready to move on to running and biking! It might be more towards April for all of that or May. Until then, I'll keep working out at the gym. I do plan to go even in the summer but early in the mornings instead. Just because I'd rather be outside in the evenings! Unless it's a hot day, then I'll be able to bike or run early. 

I got this photo of Logan off his instagram story. Must be a friend from college. He comes home in one day!! We can not wait! 

I cleaned his room yesterday and make his bed with new sheets and two new pillows. I also bought him 2 new towels. I'll be cleaning the kids bathroom today and clearing out the laundry room so he can get in there and wash clothes. I'm sure he saved all the dirty laundry to wash when home. 

I have off Monday/Tuesday from work. I want to go to get coffee with the kids and go get Pho with them too. Figure we can do this on those two days. Maybe a bakery too for breakfast? 

How's the diet going? 

I feel hungry this morning. Usually, I wait till noon to eat anything like my popcorn. Maybe I'll eat some fruit/Raspberries this morning since my stomach is growling. I feel like I ate enough yesterday as 99% of my calories are from dinner on. I ate around 870 for the day. I did burn around 700 with work and working out. Maybe why I feel hungry? I don't feel like my weight has changed much over the last few weeks. Could I be stuck? Maybe, but I am doing all I can to keep losing, going to the gym every day, and burning around 500 up to 1000 per day. Staying around 800 calories, trying to accurately track the numbers. I just can't seem to get rid of my arm and stomach fat! It has gone down but it's still there! Which bugs me! Makes me feel like I weight around 170, not in the 160's or 150's. Every so often I feel like stepping on the scale, but I know it won't be good to know the actual number. I'll just wait and keep working hard at progress. 

Not making weight loss progress is not for lack of effort. I show up to the gym, I've been skiing and keep moving throughout the day. I've been eating lower cal foods, tracking so I stay around 800. I could be lower, but that zaps my energy. I don't need to do that. I do know that if I keep showing up and putting in the effort the inches and scale will move lower. I just need to stay the course even if I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I am getting stronger and more tone every day just by showing up at the gym. That I am making progress on. I keep telling myself that I'm putting on muscle and that's why I'm not seeing any big changes right now. At some point I'll wake up and the fat will be gone. Well, maybe in a few more months before summer at least when I want to wear a swim suit. This might be the time to try on an old suit, so I can compare now to when summer hits and it will fit perfect once again. 

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