Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thirsty Thursday!!

 We are getting one more storm. Rain and snow! I'm not happy about the rain, but it will snow after which means I'll be able to ski tomorrow and maybe late this afternoon. The snow won't start till around 2pm. I'm guessing by 4 I should be able to ski. 

I'm sure I'll look like this after skiing in the snow. 

I've been doing so much working, gym/stairs followed by skiing my legs were sore yesterday. I had to take Advil twice! My legs are feeling back to normal today. What wonders one night of rest will do. I might have over done it yesterday but I was determined to burn 1000 calories for the day!

I've also been trying to keep calories lower. 

Breakfast - nothing
lunch - popcorn
Dinner - rice/ salsa
after dinner - strawberries and raspberries
popcorn and a cutie 
800 total calories ate, aprox amount

I have more of the same today. Work for a few hours which will burn around 400 calories, followed by the gym after an hour lunch break, and then skiing if the conditions are okay or we get enough fresh snow. 

I have Friday off from working, so I will be going to the gym, skiing and getting a pedicure. I'm sure we will go out since it's St. Patty day or not? I doubt I'll want anything Irish related! Maybe wings and a green beer? I'd rather have a green food colored donut from Krispy Cream. 

This weekend we only have plans to have Pezzo pizza and pick up Logan at 11pm at the train station. I do want to get a coffee flight somewhere Sunday. I'll be going to the gym and skiing also. 

I'm still working on losing stomach fat. I'd like it to be gone. Guess, time will have to pass before stomach fat goes down. Seems now that I'm in my 50's it's hanging on longer. I never used to get stomach fat! 

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before the 4th

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