Wednesday, March 22, 2023

New week #17!!

 It's a new week #17! Feels great to hit a new goal week! 

I love going though my closet and finding sweaters, tanks etc that now fit once more. When I was at my heaviest I was running out of clothes that fit. They were just far too tight and uncomfortable. Now I can wear all my old skinny clothes even if they might be a bit out of style. I like having more clothes options! I still need to go though my closet because its a disaster. Far too many items that I haven't worn in years and probably never will again even if they fit. I just need to get some brown bags to put in for a good will donation. I might try and sell a few things but not really sure?? 

The plan today is to work and burn some calories, go to the gym and burn more. Survivor is on TV tonight which is a favorite to watch. That's about all I have. I do need to make a stop at the store to pick up a few items to make fried rice for dinner tonight. 

Speaking of food. I tend to eat the same things over and over. Lunch I just love popcorn and can not go a day without it. I'm always stocked up on big bags from Costco. 

I always have an after dinner fruit treat. Berries are low in calories 50 for 1 cup and I usually have two cups. I'll be happy when I can switch to watermelon too. We did buy grapes, but I need to look up the calories and they aren't my favorite. 

What I realize after 113 days on a weight loss journey.
I don't like overly sweet desserts. I had a nut last night that was soooo sweet. I was more looking for salt! I defiantly like my fruit a little sweet, but not overly. 

I also realize I can wait till dinner for my meal and stop when full. I filled up a bowl with rice, pico and pork. Never finished the meat or rice. I mostly just wanted the pico/ veggies. I felt full before finishing and stopped. I still ate my fruit, but had room for that. 

I can eat whatever I want on this diet. Just a taste of something high in calories or the whole thing depending on if it's really good and I want it all. 

Sharing meals and not eating all the fries is a great way to still go out to dinner and eat less calories. Switching drinks to something lower in calories. 

Loving going to the gym again. I like my workout sweat time. Plus the massage chair reward after is pretty nice. 

According to my weight loss predictions I should weight any where from 154 to 166. Depending on if I lose 2 or 3 pounds per week. No idea since I still won't step on the scale. I'm leaning more toward 165 to 160 as a guess just by the way my swim suit top fits and the rest of my stomach fat. It sure is a long way from 190! When I weighted myself after 28 days on a very low cal diet. Which I could have lost 10 pounds so probably started out at 200! Yikes!! That's any where from 35 to 45 pounds lost over the last 17 weeks or 4.25 months. Did I lose at least 10 pounds per month? Or 2.5 pounds per week? Guess that all depends on if I really started out at 200 or was I over that? All I know is that I don't want to go back. Covid 2020 through 2022 did a number on me. I was enjoying food and drinks a little too much and not exercising enough. All the stress eating! 

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