Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Tuesday - no work day!

 I had yet another day in a row that I didn't work. Gave me time to do what I wanted. I used my time wisely! Went to a new local coffee shop that was super cute and busy! I had a latte with almond milk, 2 shots espresso and some sugar free chocolate syrup. Delicious! Not too sweet either and was just right. 

After we all worked out at the gym, got in my 30 minutes on the stair mill and 30 of weights followed by a chair massage! I ate lunch and took some down time, about an hour before heading out to ski for an hour. The ski trails were groomed and perfect! So much better skiing then the day before where I was struggling every step. Once again after skiing I wanted to groom Zoey. Got her done in maybe an hour? I forgot to check the time, but after that I gave her a bath and let her air dry. I did pretty good on her feet, but they still could use some touch ups and I didn't trim her ears which I probably should. I did order a dog comb and a nail grinder. They should arrive Thursday or Friday at some point. 

The local coffee shop, Vandella? Or something like that. 

I couldn't sleep again around 3am, so I spent time looking up how long it takes to gain fitness once lifting weights. 12 weeks. I've now been at this on a regular basis, on my 7th week! Making progress one day at a time. 

I've learned to adjust my schedule to make sure I get in a workout. I went at 6:40am this morning with Steve. I'll be skiing this afternoon and getting my hair cut as a weight loss reward. 
I'm thinking long bangs and face framing, something like this, so I can still pull my hair back in a pony tail. 

I sure hope it turns out good! 

It's also day #99 of my weight loss journey. Can you believe tomorrow is the BIG Goal Day #100!!! I have a pedicure as my Big goal reward. This doesn't mean I stop my journey at day #100. I am only on week #15. I have till May to lose all the weight I want. I still have stomach fat and some arm fat that I'd like gone. I think at least another 10 pounds would be good. I should weight myself at day #100. It might be a good point to step on the scale? I just don't know... I suppose if I'm having doubts about how I will react if I'm not at the projected weight and way off, being heavier then I think, I will be disappointed. I don't want that getting me off track. 
I could weight anywhere between 159 and 169. I think if I was in the 170s I'd be sad at this point considering how my clothes are fitting, I should weight more like 159 /165.. I'm guessing?? Losing that half an inch on my waist was nice too because it didn't change for weeks. 5 weeks to be exact! So seeing that I was finally under 34" at 33-1/2 was nice! 

I also could have gained muscle weight since I've been lifting 6 to7 days a week for the last 7 weeks. Plus, my old skinny body bras I'm still spilling out the top which means I must be around 160- 165 for them to not fit right just yet. 10 pounds would probably do it. Just need to stay focused this month into April to reach my goal weight by May. Mostly now it's work on toning up my arms, stomach and legs. Continue to eat healthy and find something that I enjoy to stay active/workingout. 

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