Tuesday, April 4, 2023


 I got over my fear of the scale. Well, I still have it! I made a predication about where I'd be for weight loss, which was off and I kind of was prepared for the scale results to be higher. Well, it was better than I was thinking which was good, but not too far off.  Here I was thinking according to my weight loss predictions that I'd be around 160- 165 pounds max. I was setting myself up to see 170 or higher on the scale and was okay with seeing 168. It's 3 pounds off the max I was wanting, but still better then seeing myself in the 170's!!

It's also my last day of week #18, which means I also do measurements! 
Waist = 33" ( no change)
Hips = 40-1/2"( no change)
Thighs = 23" (-1"!) Yippee

I finally saw a change in my legs this week! It's been since week 10, beginning of February that I've seen a change in my thighs. 

The saying is true, stay the course and keep making progress. There is no reason to fix what is working. I re-figured what I actually have lost over the 18 weeks I am down 32 pounds from my initial guess weight, back on November 30th. That's a lot in 4 months!! I still want to lose another 14 pounds to be 154. I'm sure 155 is okay too. It's not exactly 10 pounds a month which would have been better. Suppose those cheat weekend days didn't help or the extra drinks, but I knew going in to keep losing and dieting I had to live a little too. 

I re-worked my weight loss on my spreadsheet for the next few weeks, until August. July 12th I should be at my goal weight if I keep doing what I have been. 

I must say, when I have hungry days it makes me questions whether or not I can keep going on this diet. I felt extra hungry Friday and yesterday, Monday. Probably not getting enough protein to fill me up. What I did when hungry was to eat more berries, and popcorn for a lower calorie option. I do need to eat more meat and just not veggies and fruit with some popcorn. 

According to a weight loss calculator this is what I should be eating every day at my current weight
Maintain weight = 2023 calories
Weight loss 1 pound per week = 1523
Weight loss 2 pounds per week = 1023 

So my 1.76 pounds per week calculations fit into the calories per day I've been eating most days lately. I was able to lose 10 pounds that first month by eating around 500 per day. I'd rather eat more and lose weight a little more slowly. Sure sometimes I want the weight to come off super fast, but it takes time and I didn't put it all on that fast either. I can't expect it to come off at 3 or 4 pounds per week either! 

The new questions is.. Will I start weighting myself every week? Maybe, maybe not. I think once a month is probably best or maybe wait until I think I'm at my goal weight or closer to it. Once I do reach my goal weight, I'll have to weigh in daily. Which I know will make my weight fluctuate up and down within 5 pounds as that is normal. I need to do this to make sure I stay within a range. This way I can adjust while maintaining. 

I don't feel discouraged and I certainly don't want to quit my weight loss journey. I have more work to do and more muscles to build. I also didn't take that into account. I've been working out now for 15 weeks. It's been only 9 weeks of lifting weights on a regular basis for 30 minutes. I'm sure I've added in some muscle weight too which is better then fat weight. So is the scale super accurate of my progress? 

I also eat a lot of salty popcorn which can hold water weight. I drink water through the night, so when I weighted myself this morning I could have more water weight too. 

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