Monday, April 3, 2023

April... Where are you spring??

 Just another Monday. Still waiting for spring to arrive now that it's April 3rd. Looks like we have 4 more days of below seasonal weather, COLD and then the weekend warm up starting Friday to high 50's and maybe a 60 in there too. I am ready to see grass again even if it's brown and there are zero leaves on the trees. No more white stuff!! 

Two more days of week 18 dieting and then I get to move on... 
I did a bit of splurging this weekend. Had pizza last night but kept it to two slices along with some peppers to fill me up. I also had a drink in the afternoon which added empty calories but a fun day going to a brewery and playing some cribbage. 

There will be some eating events this week, Steve's Mom's birthday Thursday where we will meet her for coffee and pastries for breakfast. Easter dinner and maybe another b-day dinner celebration on Friday? Lots of occasions to splurge, but a controlled one. 

I made some Chicken Thai soup for this weeks meals. It's mostly veggies but I probably should up the chicken to add more protein. It's pretty spicy as I added in quite a few jalapeños. One of my favorites!! I'll be eating a big bowl every night for dinner this week! 

I managed to workout 7 days last week and only skipped one day of planks/dumb bells in the morning. Good progress on coming up to week #14 of working out once again! I can tell I've gained muscles since I now lift heavier weights for an extra rep on some of the machines. I always do cardio first doing the stairmill for 30 minutes. Just one day last week, Saturday I didn't really feel like working out, so I just went down to level 6 and never did a last 2 minute level 10. The rest of the week I felt fine. Somedays you just need an easy workout just to get through it. I sure felt like quitting that day, but I didn't and I sure wanted to do less weights, but I didn't. I did skip the massage chair both Saturday and Sunday. I was fine with that since I had other stuff to do and that would take up an extra 10 minutes of my day. 

I want to make cinnamon rolls for Easter. I probably shouldn't because that's one of those foods I have a hard time around. I probably should skip it and just purchase one and be done. Otherwise it will turn into multiple days of eating extra calories that I don't need! 

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