Sunday, May 21, 2023


 We went out for pizza last night since Logan had friends over making pizza in our outdoor coal oven. It's only the 2nd time using the oven and we made sure to tell them the dough had to be super thin and not too many toppings or sauce. It looked like that worked! 

I will never eat pizza again without adding lots of fresh basil on top. We had to do a quick store stop to pick up some fresh basil because I forgot to pick some off our plants at home. Yikes! Glad I remembered because pizza is just 100 times better with basil. This is one of my favorite pizzas at Merics in Hampton. Wood fire and soooo good! 

One of Logan's friends is going to be working at this bakery in St. Louis Park. Can't wait to check it out! We will wait awhile till she is settled into her job before going. 

We spent most of Saturday getting mulch, running to Menards and Home Depot to fix the wheel barrow tire and purchase plants for the pots. I did a little spray paint fix up too on our pots and lawn furniture. Looks so much better! We opted for bright orange mulch since it fads anyway. I don't really like the dirt color look, so we just went with the un-popular color for now. Maybe some day we will switch over?? 

We used the entire truck load on just the front yard. Not sure if we will freshen up the back yard or not this year? Might have to do that today? 

I didn't go crazy and buy a bunch of plants for the front pots. It's pretty sparse so I'll have to pick up more flowers at Walmart where I'm hoping they are a bit cheaper then Menards prices. 

After doing all that yard work, I had to clean our house since Logan's friends were coming over and it needed a good clean up! I even vacuumed the outdoor deck carpet and cleaned off the tables etc. Washed a few windows and need to do more of that today too. 

I have a list of what we need to get done. Best to do it early, so we can enjoy it all summer and fall since we will do the same next year! 

I also need to tar our driveway. We can hire it out for around $200, but for $60 in materials I can do it myself and get some exercise. I actually enjoy it and like the efforts once it's done. 

I keep checking the weather for next weekend, Memorial Day. It was supposed to rain with lighting every day earlier this week, and now, sunny and 80*F! I was super happy to see the weather forecast change! I want to camp up at the lake and the kids all have friends coming for the weekend. 

We won't bring the boat, but we will need to mow, which means we need the lawn mower! Ugh! More to bring up! I also need to get three more tent rugs and a longer tarp for our new tent. It's on my todo list this week! We will have fix it projects up there too since it flooded the beach. Probably boulders to fix the walls and more sand. Always something to do! 

In weight loss news. Day #173

I'm feeling suck in no weigh loss for a few weeks now. Well, I did have about two weeks of vacation which I at least didn't gain any weight as far as I know. I haven't lost any either but that I don't know either. 

What have I been doing? Counting calories, eating fruit and popcorn with still eating whatever for diner. The only splurges were 2 lemon cookies every day till they were gone which was 150 calories. I bought another watermelon and raspberries which I eat what ever since they are low in calories. Popcorn has been my morning breakfast somedays where I feel hungry like today. Still want popcorn for lunch too. 

I've been eating up to 1700 calories, which I'd like to be lower but that seems to be what I want to eat/drink for the day. I still burn around 2100 or more calories per day

I'm sure that I'm still in a calorie deficit, and losing weight very slowly. At least it's losing and not gaining. Just going to take longer. I'm at that point where I know that I can see big weight loss if I just lose another 10 pounds. I'm right on the edge of feeling 100% better with getting rid of stomach fat. Just for some reason now I want to slow down progress and eat more. 

My plan is to just see what I need and adjust to my hunger making sure its just not boredom and wanting to eat for the sake of just eating. 

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