Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Starting fresh

 I had an easy work day, which made it easier for me to get back into working after our weekend on the North Shore. Made it to the gym. I defiantly took it easier on the stair climber. level 6 for 30 minutes followed by 27 minutes of weights. I lifted the same amount I always do, it just felt a bit harder. After I treated myself to a 10 minute chair massage. I sure needed that! 

Dieting started off great for the day. 
Breakfast - popcorn 130 cal
lunch - popcorn 130 cal
watermelon 100 cal
Snack - watermelon 100 cal
Dinner - Rice  1 cup, salsa 300 cal
after dinner_ Cheese burger from Culver's and 2 scoops of ice cream
Some pretzel sticks 300 cal 
I ended up eating around 2060 cal for the day. Not exactly the 1000 I was hoping to be at or 1500 max. I did burn around 150 working, 300 gym and another 200 walking 2.5 miles looking for the Rosemount Medallion at a park. = 700 burned calories. 

I need some bangs. I'm going to just cut my own hair. I'm tired of it always looking the same. Time for a change! 

It's going to be super hot today in the 90's. I work probably till 2pm/2:30 today. I want to look more for the medallion the next clue is out at 9am. Logan got us started looking. I thought I figured out what park it must be at and now I have second thoughts. Might be the opposite! 

Went shopping for Logan's trip to BWCA yesterday and bought him some hiking boots/shoes and some pants/shorts and shirts and socks. The only items that worked are either pair of boots or shoes, socks and maybe some shorts. I have lots to return. I'm hoping he wants to go back and shop some more so we can figure out what he wants to wear. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Grand Marias, 1st trip there of the summer 2023!

 We decided to go back to Lake Clara. It has been at least 3 years since we've camped in that location. The last time we were there, we had to quickly move in 30 minutes and get out of that camp spot due to it being closed for Covid. We didn't know and had set up, came back just 30 minutes before dark, only to find a note on our table to vacate. We just set up down the road where you can camp anywhere. Worked just fine, but not what we were wanting to do! 

This view of GM was taken from the camp ground in town. We noticed they made a nice park and fixed the boat launch area. 

We did a long shore line walk from the Cascade rest stop that you need a park sticker to ? Steve stopped at the point were we couldn't go any farther along the shore and made a rock stack. 

We also biked down this logging road to a lake 2.5 miles in. Found a nice camp spot only accessible by a 4 wheeler. 

Not my best work, but I painted some rocks. 

Tried to copy some seagulls. I left two of the rocks at Lutsen resort for others to find. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The weekend came early! From the City to the woods!

 My weekend is starting early. This was a two day work week. Kind of nice that it worked out that way and Steve has the ability to take time off between projects too. 

We are heading up to the North Shore. Last time we were there was the first week in October. 9 months ago! Not counting Duluth this spring because we didn't go past Gooseberry falls. We leave tomorrow morning early and will come home Monday. Just me and Steve this time around. 

I want to bring my electric bike and of course we will bring the kayaks. Since it's just the two of us, we bring a lot less stuff. One big tent and only 2 chairs a folding table and three sleeping bags. Plus, we will bring the cooking stuff/grill, mats, rugs and coolers. I need to make sure the lantern is charged up and ready to go. 

Diet wise, I'm still a work in progress. I didn't go to the gym like I was planning yesterday. Instead I did some errands, making two returns, and going to Costco. 

I only ate 1650 calories and burned just 300 from working. Not bad for having pizza for lunch and bread with cheese for dinner along with some chocolate treats. 

We usually stop in Duluth for a night and to do a little gambling. We are skipping that since we spent a small fortune in Chicago on meals. We are pretty tired of eating out, so I'm sure we will mostly cook and only go to town for drinks on the roof top in Grand Marais. Otherwise, I want to cook our own food. Some how when you cook in the woods or next to the water, everything tastes 100% better! 

Weather wise, its going to be in the upper 70's away from the lake and around 68/69 next to the lake. Might have some storms on Saturday during the day, but not in all areas. We will just plan our day around any rain. 

It's already past the middle of July and the summer is going by so fast. I just wasted the day away by not going to the gym or bike yesterday. I did set up the hammock in the back yard and took a short nap after doing some internet news reading. I'll probably sit out there again this afternoon if it's dry and not raining. I think later on we are going to maybe get more rain?? I should also go to the gym and get in a bike ride. I just needed some down time after our busy 4 days in Chicago walking everywhere. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 Chicago is expensive. Well, it is with 5 people eating out every meal. 

Steve was always not wanting to go to Chicago until the eye doctor told him it was a fun town. Go figure, I've only been telling him this since our 20's. I used to have a BF that lived in Chicago and I went to visit a few times. Plus, went with friends for a weekend back in my early 20's. 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...