Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sept 21st and 82*F today!!

 The weather this week has been perfect, summer like temps for September! Loving the weather. Our drought ends this weekend with rain. Ugh!! It's a 50/60% chance both Saturday and Sunday. Go figure! I checked everywhere and it's a big storm system so no area is dry and sunny. All rain everywhere!  

Here's some ideas of what to do this weekend. There are a bunch of breweries having Octoberfest. Might have to check a few out. 

I've been waiting to do this art museum for years. It's free and only 30 minutes away by the UofM. 

I have been sleeping out in the tent with Zoey and Steve. 

It's been 60*f at night which is sooo nice! As long as it stays in the 50's I will be outside sleeping in the tent. Well, we will see how it is after the weekend of rain. I might have to move the tent if it gets wet under the tent. 

Fall colors are just starting. Some trees are 100% red, but not much color yet. 
Our closed road looks almost done. They put the dirt back and now just need to re-tar the road. It said until Friday, but maybe done today? It hasn't been too bad going around to the other side. It will be nice when it's all done and they are out of here! 
Our neighbor friends are moving this fall. It will be sad to see them leave. They've been here for 18 years! We are on 24? Time flys and it's hard to imagine living anywhere else. They will be renting and then? They have a nice lake house, so that's the plan to retire there and some where warm too. Our plan? I'd like to rent out our house and then build a cabin, travel in a van and see the country.  I would still need somewhere to live and come back home. I'd like to start downsizing what we have in our house! Probably should do more of that this winter. Just do one room at a time and get it done. It's time to go through stuff and throw it out, sell, recycle or donate. We have far too much stuff after 24 years! Things we haven't used in years needs to go! 

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