Sunday, November 26, 2023

See you in 3 weeks!

 We said our goodbyes to Logan at the train Depot St Paul early this morning. One more year of sending him back to college on the train. It's always sad to see him go, but we only have 3 weeks to go before he is flying home for a month over Christmas break. His almost week M-Sunday, home over Thanksgiving went by fast as they always do. Just glad Celina was able to pick him up and come home for few extra days , otherwise it would have been Wednesday at midnight -Sunday morning. 

See you in 3 weeks Logan!!
It started snowing last night around 7pm. We have about an inch of snow now on the ground and it's supposed to stop soon. I'm hoping with the 40 degree temps next week, it will all melt away. Not sure I'm completely ready for snow on the ground till spring! Makes it a little easier to get in the mood to decorate for the holidays. 

Here's a memory from last year when Logan was home. We were in Mpls and took a photo of this giant decorate tree inside a building. Might have to go back here and re-take a photo! 

Steve and I just went to the store to pick up trim for the mirror and to get some food. We didn't go out last night and just watched the last of the Hunger Game Movies. Since we are both sick, he is getting over covid. I still didn't test positive and I have a cold, runny nose, sneezing and a little cough sometimes. Not bad, but not great either as I hate even having a cold. I'm masking up in the mean time to not spread it to the kids. 

The last day, Sunday of the long weekend. It's felt long since I only worked an hour Wednesday and have had sooo much time off. I'm back to working almost a full day tomorrow! It's going to be a rough Monday with a move out and another house at 1pm. Tuesday is a day off due me and Steve's dentist appointments. It's just easier to not work that day since we won't be home till late morning/noon. The rest of my week is good. 

I also got an email for a potential new customer thanks to my advertising a few weeks ago! 
It feels good to pick up work from my efforts!! I'll keep doing more advertising any day where I have less work that day. Just do a little bit when weather conditions are good. Light to no wind or snow. 

It's a good day to put up the Christmas tree, paint the bathroom vanity and mirror trim. Other than that, just stay home and rest. The kitchen is cleaned as I did that last night and early this morning. 

Other plans next week include hopefully, Tuesday going to the movies since it's cheap night to watch the new Hunger Games movie. There is one other movie I'd like to see, Napoleon which I think Steve would also like. Gives us something to do on a Tuesday for not that much money. 

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