Friday, December 22, 2023

Last Friday before Christmas!

 It's almost Christmas!! The last Friday and then only a few more days on Monday it will be Christmas!! 

I still have to get through my work morning, with hopefully a few holiday tips! I'm also cat feeding/watching tonight - Sunday morning. It's extra cash for the holidays so no complaint and it's easy and quick to do. 

Last night the kids and I went out to get some Pho for dinner. Delicious! I always forget how good it is. I usually never want it in the summer since it's hot soup, but it sure is good!

I made a double recipe of thumb print cookies. Didn't get around to making any other cookies just yet, but I want to make some orange crasin biscotti and some peppermint chocolate cookies. Better get on that!! 

Saw this cute ice idea for Christmas morning in mimosa's. I'll have to make up more ice! 

Kendra's Christmas card at their neighborhood barn. 

It's actually raining today. Lots of rain and zero snow in the forecast. I still can't believe seeing 50 degrees!! Just wish the sun would come out and it would feel extra warm too! Guess we can't have everything we want! It's also the shortest days of the year right now, with the sun up for only 7:47 am rise and 4:34 set, a little over 8 hours of sun light! We did start to gain daylight, just one minute today and then we keep marching up towards spring and summer! The worst is over for losing day light. Unfortunately it's going to be awhile until we actually notice the difference and its lighter for longer! 

All we have after Christmas is NY eve and NY day. We have to wait till Feb for Celina's birthday and of course Valentine's Day on the 14th. I might be able to ski if we get at least 6" of snow. Plus, I will have to start doing our taxes starting January 1st. Logan is also home till the 20th and then soon enough it will be spring break and then summer! 

We have been going on a week long south camping trip the last few years. It was only because Steve couldn't work while healing from eye surgery. He won't need any surgery this spring, but I still want to do a spring camping trip down south! We go in April, which is before it busy in any areas. Kind of nice having all the camp grounds or hip camp properties to ourselves. We just need to watch the weather and plan for where we want to check out this year. I think we want to go further into Tennessee into the mountains this spring? We tend to check the weather and make our plans last minute based on how warm or not it will be. I'm hoping we can do that again this spring! Time to plan!! 

I'm still waiting on one gift to be delivered and we need one more item before I can wrap up our gift exchange. I have photos that are coming in the mail too and it looks like one set from Walmart is on the way. I have other photos from Google that are ordered and will arrive probably after Jan 2nd. I'll have to wait to put together our calendar until all the photos arrive. 

I'd also like to order some Black and White photos for some of our frames in the house. Might need to go through them again and pick out 6 photos to enlarge and make Black and white. 

We still need to clear out the spare room/office too. It's a big project and no one seems to know where to start. Guess it's up to me to get the ball rolling. Will I feel like doing that this weekend? hum??? We do need to clean the office before Christmas so it has to be done! 

2024 - Election year!! Logan's last year of college, Celina hired on GM full time?? 
2025 -Logan graduates from college/ Steve is 60!!
2026 - Mortgage paid off /Kendra 40
2027 -Toyota paid off/pay off any other bills & build cabin
2028- I turn 60! Yikes!!! Steve's Mom turns 90!!/traveling/passive income?? 

Lots of changes, but good ones happening in the next few years. What I'm most excited about is Celina getting hired on permanently and having a stable job with time off and benefits. Logan graduating college and our mortgage paid off! Then finally building a cabin for passive income to travel. I don't want to speed up time because it goes by fast enough but I'm excited for these milestones to happen. The next 5 years are going to be filled with change, but change is good on my list! Just always want everyone to be happy and healthy throughout the years.

My resolution for 2024:

Keep working, paying off bills towards being mortgage free. 

Lose weight for summer 20 - 30 pounds


Health/exercise 5 days a week! 




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