Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Little orange bird

 Little orange bird in the sunshine tree was my favorite 45 vinyl record when I was a little kid. I still remember playing it on my sears portable stereo, which I still have. I don't have the record and when I do try to search for it, it doesn't sound the same. 

Here's the little snow bird I made that reminded me of that song. I was going for a tiny snowman, but it looks more like a bird next to our deck bird feeder. I cut up a sweet pepper for the nose and eyes. 

All the snow will melt today and through Friday. We only got about an inch and it's suppose to be 50/51 for Thursday/Friday with the warm up to 45*F starting today. Nice for December 6th. Looks like we could have a brown Christmas as there is zero snow in the forecast  for the next 10 days, but there is still time! I'd rather just have it brown and warmer! Warm I mean anything 30 degrees for winter! 50 is going to feel like spring!! 

I went back to the dentist yesterday afternoon to get that filling smoothed out. My tongue kept touching the rough spot. Glad that's gone! It was super annoying! 

Steve and I went to anther Cheap Tuesday Movie and watched Napoleon. We both didn't know that much about him. Not that there is much to know.. It was still good as I love old history. Mostly a Josephine love story with a little war battles thrown in there. Did realize he is the 2nd anti-christ. Yikes!! Similarities between politics now. 

Today, I work this morning and then I want to do some Christmas shopping. I did place an order on line for NYE decorations for the kids friend party at our house. I need to get 2 gifts for our Ugly sweater party on Saturday. Plus, need to get stocking stuffers and more family gifts. I'll start baking Thursday with some peanut brittle and almond pretzels. Maybe those chocolate crinkle cookies with peppermint frosting. It's a start to the holiday baking. 

That's about it for my Wednesday! just counting down the days till Logan is home and then getting stuff bought for Christmas. That's the plan. 

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