Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday.. one more cold day!! 28*F then the warm up to the 40's!!

Sweater party pic at the end of the night when we were playing Domio's.

Someone made these cute sugar cookie sweaters! I might have ate 2! 

 It's wonderful when I see temps in the 40's for December! We one day of 28*F, then only 40's for at least 10+ days. Are we really living in MN? This warm winter weather is making us spoiled!! All the snow is going to melt away the next few days when it hits almost 50*F on Thursday!! We really only have not even an inch of snow. I'll take a brown Christmas!! Probably won't buy any cross county ski passes till we actually get enough to ski! I do hope at some point this winter we do get snow because I would really miss not being able to ski during Jan, Feb and some into March! Years past I was able to start skiing in November! 

Steve's eye appointment's news was super! The eye cells/pressure all were perfect! He has another appointment for a follow up in 3 months and then a contact lens appointment in January to help that eye see even better. We have to celebrate any good eye news so off to happy hour we went. Just stopped at Indeed brewery in Mpls then went to happy hour at Centro taco's down the street for some food. Made for a fun night out because at the brewery we played that game where you slide the pucks on some kind of grain and score points. I won both games. 

We finally got to play that Mexican train domino's with Celina last night. It was a different game playing with three people compared to 6 or 7! Different strategies and quicker! Still fun! We didn't finish one round, so we can continue where we left off later. 

I still need to wrap Christmas and birthday gifts. I probably should do a little today so it's not as bad as doing it all at once. I just need to make a list of what all I've purchased! We still need to pick up a few more gifts and some still need to be delivered. We still  have plenty of time! 

I just work this morning and then have the afternoon. I'm hoping to get to the gym today! Got to start working out on a more consistent basis. We are paying monthly for this, so better use it! 

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