Saturday, January 13, 2024

Look out my window!

This is what we had for snow most of yesterday in the Big Storm!! The start of the snow kept getting push back, hour by hour and it finally started. We went to bed with a dusting and woke up with I'd say in inch. I can still see the grass poking out. 

This morning.... 
Steve got up way before me this morning and shoveled the sidewalk and driveway. I slept in till 9:30!!!Very late but much needed sleep! I have the best dreams when I sleep it! 


There defiantly is not enough snow to cross country ski since you can still see grass. Plus, its 5+F, but feel like -12 degrees and we have wind 15 mph with wind chill warnings. It's going to be a stay inside kind of day! 

What are we up to this weekend? 
Friday night we made some cold pizza's. Using Celina's fresh baked sour dough bread fresh out of the oven. We had so much leftover soft cheese that we used up some of that. Steve made fresh tomatoes cut up with basil and lots of garlic. I made a poppyseed salad one of my favorites with tomatoes, blue cheese, pumpkin seeds, crasins, Brussel sprouts, kale, etc.. Super good!! After dinner, I made a mocktail with grapefruit seltzer water and some sparkling apple-cran and had cutie slices for a garnish. Super good combo. I drank my mocktail while playing Mexican train domino's. I think Steve is done with that game. I won every time, but we only got to #7. I'll have to start playing it with the kids now that he is done with that game. I still love it! Even if I lose, it's still fun! It's a good brain game with matching, some strategy, counting, puzzle of sorts. I kind of want to find some ap that has brain puzzles. It would be fun to do a bunch and get better at that. 

I was able to sleep finally last night due to a late night text. Steve got the big job we were waiting on from one of my clients. It fills up his work schedule and will be on going for awhile. Plus, good paying! I have time to still advertise and get more jobs while he has steady income for the next few months! I just would like to build up my clients more too and replace the one client I'm losing after next week. Also to replace a few of my winter snow birds. 

I did a little of our tax report Friday and now just have a few calls to make to get totals on Monday. Plus, I still have my business supplies to total up and enter into my spreadsheet. I am sure it will be all finished come Monday afternoon! Feels good to get this all wrapped up super early. I usually drag it out till our accountant appointment the middle of Feb. 

Sold a plant table yesterday for $5. Which is a start of purging stuff we no longer need. I have one other plant stand I'm selling and hopefully that will be gone soon too. I am going to list more for sale today and hopefully make a dent in getting rid of some things! 

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