Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Weight loss progress!!

Sticking to my weight loss diet for the most part. I had a little fruit yesterday for breakfast with my coffee. Then I had popcorn for a late lunch, taco's for dinner (salsa, peppers and guac with chicken and beef) limited to 1 tortilla. Then I finished the banana bread to get rid of that! 

We did make it to the gym yesterday morning. I've been just lifting weights and not done any cardio. I'll need to start doing that after I lift weights but for now just getting there is good! 

Steve and I went to Como Zoo yesterday. I didn't take any photos, but did a Snap of the tropical area. We actually went outdoors to the other building since it wasn't very cold out. We always go in Jan or Feb when it's below Zero and too cold to venture out to see the other animals. It's been years since we checked out the other buildings which were fairly close together and some brand new to my surprise. We pretty much had the animals to ourselves as it wasn't busy at all. The busy area was the conservatory where all the trees/plants are kept. We did everything at the zoo, just skipped the seal show since that was outdoors. 

I got zero done on our taxes, but made progress on finishing up our family calendars. I'm almost done and should finish that up today. I have a few home projects to complete before getting back to taxes. Steve's work next project is delayed a few more days so he is home this week. Which means we can get some stuff done around here. We can go through the storage room and then put away Christmas stuff. I want to go through the spare room too. Steve has some fix it projects, oil the door knobs that I think need to be replaced. Glue a few of our bar stools where they are coming apart. Finish the upstairs missing trim and caulk the vanity to finish that up and paint touch ups. It will feel good to do these little projects. 
Oh, also he needs to install a light in our front entry closet which will need a box for a switch. I also noticed I never painted the trim in there and he has a 2" section of flooring that was never completed too. So we have things to do around the house. 

It's also going to be negative temps this weekend. We have zero plans and will probably keep it that way because no one wants to go out in the dark when it's that cold! We can just do a game night and make some fun mocktails. Part of my diet since I most have sparkling water which is 0 cal and a splash of juice for flavor. 

We do need to do more advertising for jobs. I could use some to fill in my schedule where I am going to lose a few over the winter and Steve need to fill in jobs until Spring where he has a few more lined up. We just need to keep the money making going to pay the bills! 

I'm also considering dog grooming again. I keep thinking about doing that. I might just advertise around this area and see or post on next door neighbor for dog grooming? Maybe ask around if anyone knows if they know anyone wanting dog grooming? Or even try a part time job to get more training. 

Well, I'm late for work. Better get going !


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