Monday, January 15, 2024

What's new around here?

 My plant light is new. I've never had a plant growing light. I'm excited about this new light because now I'm hoping my herbs last through the winter and excited to start indoor seed growing this spring. I've only had the light since Saturday early afternoon and the plants are already looking a little bit better, more perked up! I did buy some plant food, so hopefully that helps too. Not sure how much water to give my plants, but I did see a soil moisture detector at Menards that might be a good idea to purchase. I don't want to over or under water the plants and it's always hard to tell. Guess that's my next purchase when we go to the store. 

My google memories popped up of the kids and some friends winter sledding. I sure do miss when they were this age. We had so much fun doing all the winter actives with them. 

I posted 2  more items for sale. I'm in my purging of our things. This was a twin head board that we've been storing for years! I'm hoping it sells but if not, it's going to goodwill. 

I have a pile of stuff that's going to Goodwill today. I finally went through the spare room and we got rid of a lot of the stuff. Most of the rest is Steve's clothes that needs to be hung up or donated. We have to finish painting that room's closet door and then paint the walls since it's yellow. Outdated. We have paint in a neutral color already so no need to purchase paint. I want to get a new bedspread too and then the room is done! Good to have a usable spare room for anyone staying over. Seems the kids friends are always over here. 

I still need to clean up the office and find a home for everything in there too. We have a lot more purging but will space that out as we don't want to fill up the garbage and have it over flowing. Well, I'm fine with that, but Steve doesn't want excess garbage we can't get rid of right now. I'll have to wait till after pick up again this Friday to add more garbage. I'd rather make trips to Goodwill and donate if I can. 

Our flyer advertising paid off. Steve got a call for an estimate today. It for some trim and flooring work. Glad our efforts are now seeing some results!! Fingers crossed it turns into another job!! So far he is booked out till mid Feb, maybe farther depending on if the current jobs if they add more painting. I do plan to do more advertising, looking into a ad in the local Sun current and doing more flyers/ weather dependent this week and next. I still need to replace a few of my clients that are snow birds too, so hopefully I'll get a few calls and new jobs too. 

I have today off from work. Steve has a contact lens eye appointment this morning that I'll go with. It's always exciting to go to a good appointment for his eye to help him see better. They have new contact lens technology where it's a larger contact. He tried it on a few years ago, but it might have been too large for the drain device on top of his eye. He did pretty much see 20/20 or was it 20/30? Anyway it was a huge improvement. The cornea doctor thinks it's worth a try to see if something works to get better vision out of his eye. Fingers crossed its a good appointment! 

We might go see Wonka on Tuesday. Marcus theaters offer discount Tuesday movies at $6. They used to be $5, but still half price. Even though we are going to have below zero temps this week and I hate going out once its dark, it might be a good Tuesday to see a movie. We stayed in all weekend which was good because we saved money not going out to eat or drink. 

What did we do over the weekend? We watched the Chiefs playoff game, they won and we got to watch Taylor Swift and Travis. We also watched the Dallas/Green Bay game since we had friends at the game in Dallas. Plus, we are now Green Bay football fans since the Viking are out of the play offs. Green Bay won, so now we have more football to watch next weekend! I'm hoping it's a Green Bay/Chiefs playoff. We plan to watch the next game at a Wisconsin bar for a more fun atmosphere. Probably just go to Prescott. 

We also played a lot of Mexican Train Domino's this weekend. Still love the new game. We had Steve's parents over for a ham dinner. I took Zero photos! Oh and Steve's mom loved her new calendar this year. I had lots of photos of them, so that's probably why they liked it and our dog with the kids. I make them a calendar every year since our kids were little. I make one for us too and always keep them from year to year as it's a photo book record for us along with my blog of photos. 

After the eye appointment today, we will go to the gym and workout. Plus, drop off the stuff at Goodwill. That's about it for today. The rest of the week, we are both working. I might have off Friday, but not sure as I have yet to hear back from a customer. I do want more work, so hopefully, I'll get some extra work either Friday or over the weekend. I only will work the weekends in the winter for a few clients just to fit them in and when we don't have plans. Gives me something to do too. 

I'll be doing more purging and Goodwill trips as we keep going through the basement, spare room and office. I also want to organize our spices and pantry again. We have a few junk drawers that need to be purged too, one on the buffet and in the laundry room. So I have a few projects that can be done. 

I finished up all our taxes with only needing to make a few calls to get totals of expenses we paid. I'll have to print everything too which won't take long. Then it's just wait till the accountant appointment the middle of February. Super glad to have finished all up so fast! Feels great to be done with this big yearly project! Fingers crossed we don't owe and maybe get back a little too?? Last year we paid in but also got a little back, so we came out ahead by about $1000 or so.. It wasn't a great year, but not awful either for taxes. It's just never great news having to pay! 

We also have to pay for continuing ed classes for Steve's contractor renewal every year. That's about $200 every year and then every 2 years we have to renew his license which is another $500 and that's due this spring. Of course! I'm sure we will get a bill for Logan's college expenses in addition to paying for his apartment every month and giving him food money and money for other bills (H20, cable and school subscriptions to computer programs). The college expenses are a lot more manageable this year with paying monthly instead of when he lived in the dorms and we had to pay each semester a huge chuck of money which was thousands. I like keeping up with it and not getting that big yucky bill! One more year left of college which is 16 more months of paying for his apartment. Yep counting down the months! 

We are almost done paying off our home mortgage! We refinanced to a 15 year mortgage to pay off a few extra years early. It will be fully paid in 2026!! It just feels like it's taking forever to be done paying off. It will be a huge month difference once that is paid off. Of course between home owners insurance 2K or more and property taxes 7K we still will be paying 9K per year which is a lot less then $25K that we are paying now! We plan to build a cabin and rent that out for extra income. Travel will happen at some point too so we can rent out our main house and use that also for income. I'd like to SUV or Van travel for a year  or more. Maybe going to Europe too and traveling there. We have options to do Woofing, where you do some work to stay for free or maybe house or pet sit to stay somewhere for free. There is also work at parks and live cheap. Just depends on what we want to do but there are options. All sound exciting and different! Something I'm going to look forward to doing. Of course we will wait till we are of retirement age to get SS too. Steve will need to stop working to build a cabin. So this is why we are waiting another 2 years to build a cabin. 

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