Friday, February 2, 2024

February 2nd and the month is already moving along!

 The 2nd day of February and we are already moving along this month. 

Look at the weather this next week! Just don't look at Thursday's rain/sleet. 

I'm packed and ready for the girls lake weekend. I have no idea of what to expect, but I'm sure it will be fun and I'll be glad I went. It's always good to do things out of your comfort zone. This is one of them for sure!! 

We had more good news yesterday. Steve picked up a paint job from an old customer, but it won't be this next week. It's the week after, which is fine because he has a few small jobs along with starting his parents house with flooring and carpet to keep him busy. There is always our house projects that he can work on. I made a list of things to do around the house, so we shall see what he accomplishes?? I think his plan is to organize the garage a bit since its kind of a mess with his tools etc. I really want him to clean the spare room, all his clothes and then install a light in the hall closet. 

Next week work is busy for me every day, but not too busy where I'll have time to paint and do some more advertising. I still want to pick up more jobs for me. Plus, a few more for Steve would be good too. We have Feb and part of March covered.  Just could use a few more filler jobs for about 2 weeks in March then April is filled. I'm sure once the real spring arrives things will fill up fast with projects for him all year into November/ December. 

We talked bout buying land, not a lot of land like we used to want. Just the same size in Hastings. There is already a neighborhood with electric, water/sewer hook up and the lots are a range of 100K to $200K. Steve would build a more modern house and then we could build a cabin right away with the left over money from the sale of this house. It's an option, but he wants to wait till our house is 100% paid off. I guess either way, we plan to build a cabin and then rent out both to travel etc. It's just the longer plan and we could pay off everything right now and do that instead of wait. We'd just be displaced for a year while we build which would be a pain. I would be okay with just getting a van and building that out and living it in. We could just park in his parents driveway or at our build site to live for cheap while building or rent an apartment too. I just like the van idea because that's the plan to do that anyway to travel. We'd still have to live at his parents house until the van is built which wouldn't take more then a month tops with working on it all the time. If it would even take that long? I'd love to try it anyway as I think it sounds like more of an exciting adventure then doing the safe thing and just live here and pay it off in 2026. Feels like LONG time to wait, but I do know 2 years goes by fast. The years are just flying by. I'm just kind of tired of waiting. Feels like I've been doing that for years and I have been. I'm just ready for an adventure before I'm too old to do that or want to. 

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