Friday, February 23, 2024


 It's Friday and a not so busy work day. I work at noon for just an hour. I had a busy work week, so I'm glad that I'm not too busy even though I'd like more money. 

Did I pick up a new client yesterday? Not sure. I should find out today, per the client. They were meeting with another person first that they had not heard back from and didn't speak English very well. Other new clients said I wasn't charging enough, so this job I wanted to make sure to charge enough. Not a crazy amount, but you never know. This one could be the one I don't get. Although, I used to work for her years ago then she moved, adopted kids since then. It's only an every 3 weeks to 1 mo job and not for another 3 weeks at that. I did have another client text me wanting to pass my info along to someone for an every 2 week job. Yeah!! That's more like it!! So hopefully, I'll hear from them asap and get them on my work schedule for next week. 

The last day of Celina being 23.... tomorrow is her golden birthday, 24 years old, on the 24th in the year 2024. 

We are back to brown outside with a tiny bit of snow left in the back yard/Shaded to melt away. It's supposed to be 61+F on Monday, so it's going to go!! It's going to be a roller coaster or temps, up and down and up and down. Could they just stay up!! 

Other than working yesterday, I only went to my 3pm new client meeting, then to Costco and 2 banks. I'm not sure my Friday will be that much more productive! I do have to go to the store, TJ Maxx and get a gift, plus make a cake for Celina's birthday. Decorate the house and work. Guess that is quite a bit on my todo list. 

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Sums up my Monday!

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