Monday, February 19, 2024

Presidents day

 I have the day off from work. I planned to work, but with it being a holiday for working people my schedule changed. Now my Tuesday- Friday work schedule is BUSY! I'm not complain as it's a good thing! Just would have like to space out the work and worked today too! Well, this just makes another day to get home projects done! 

Here's what's on the todo list:

- Make garlic crackers

-Make sandwich bread (always wanted to try making some)

-Pay a bill/Electric

-Advertise for at least an hour/cut flyers

- TJ Maxx - get gifts Celina for her b-day

-Paint (laundry room and hall closet, 1 piece of bathroom trim) a few times today! 

-gym (done already) 


Organize the office and go through the back hall closet/purge

- Drop off Goodwill!!

I think that's a good todo list. We will see how much I accomplish! I'd also like to make more of my Thai Chicken soup, but I'll save that for another day! 

We did get a lot accomplished on Sunday. 

The most exciting project we/Steve did was to finally install a front hall closet light. We've had the light for years!!! He finally installed it and said we should have done this years ago! I'm like do you think?? lol. Well, can't complain because it's done now and it's so nice to be able to see what's in the closet! Big improvement! He also finished that last strip of flooring. I now have to paint the base trim since I realized that's not finished in there! So, I'll have to move out all the stuff to paint this week. The walls also could use a little touch up paint. 

I should do more purging of games in there too. 

The upstairs linen closet finally has trim around it! It needs some enamel, but looks 100% better. We took off the trim years ago thinking we'd replace the trim with wide trim, but the other doors have the orig trim so we wanted to keep it all the same. Feels great to have this project done too. Now if we could finish that nook too!! I have to enamel all the base trim up there in the hall, then Steve will attach and it will finally be done! I'm thinking that would be a good Sunday project! 

Back to painting for me today. I have 2 windows left to paint, spare room and the laundry room. I need the  blinds removed on the spare room, so I'll probably just do the trim and the laundry room windows this week. This spare room window will have to be another week! 

Steve still needs to go through his clothes in this room. Then after we do the trim, he needs to paint the walls and finish the base trim which I'll have to enamel. It's on the todo list. We need to purchase trim, so will get that at some point. 

I have one more piece of base trim to enamel in my bathroom and then Steve needs to cut it to fit. This also can be quickly finished this week. I enameled all the other base trim pieces in our bathroom, so all can be attached this Sunday too. Got to keep these home projects moving. It's just the last finishing touches that need to be done. Not sure if he will attach our trim since it has to come off anyway when we redo the bathroom tile floor and shower. Might be easier to just leave it for now. It looks fine just on the wall, you can't really tell its not attached. 

I did more purging too, which was not on this home project list! 

I cleaned out our buffet junk drawer. Plus, went through the fireplace cabinet where I store photo albums and the kids art, report cards etc.. Purged a lot in all those places. Plus, went through the last 3 drawers in the kitchen that needed to be purged. I have one bag to bring to Goodwill but will find more to take there today. I pretty much purged all that I can. I only have the office to get rid of my fit books and older then 7 years of taxes to purge. Oh and go through the back hall closet. It's just sleeping bags for camping, jackets and some boots along with light bulbs. Not sure I can purge much but at least have it a bit more organized. 

And last the weather outlook this week! 39 degrees today, although not sunny so probably really slow snow melt. I'm guessing it will be all gone by Saturday since I see mostly 40's this week. We can start doing some tree trimming and fix up the landscaping before stuff starts growing out there. I want to get the rest of the paint off the deck so we can clear coat that this spring. I'd love to redo the deck in maintenance free decking, but that costs a lot, so we will just keep our existing deck maintained. Maybe switch out the rails as that is a cheaper, quick fix. Our house is going to be 24 years old, so more and more maintenance needs to be done all the time. Would be nice to start with all new stuff once again. 

We need to work on growing grass after we cut trees to let in more light. It's very shaded in the back and front yard, so hard to grow grass! I'm hoping to finally get Steve to trim them all up and haul away. We did a bunch of that last fall and I need that to continue! 

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