Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday... Sunday..

This looks like a fish sandwich instead of chicken! IT was soooo good! Amazing batter on that chicken and cooked dark and crispy! So very delicious. We went to Hudson WI to bar hop with Celina and Don last night. Our orig plan was to go to River Falls, but I'm glad we switched plans. 
Found this funny instagram post. 
Here we are at one of the bars, 4 in all and I had 4 beers! Yikes!! I have a headache today for that mistake! I have to stop at 2 from now on! 

Here is that spreadsheet home project list. We checked off 3 items yesterday. Touch ups around the main level, trim, doors and cabinets. Steve installed the hall closet light and finished the last strip of flooring in the hall closet too. It's 100% done! Feels great to get one project done. We also picked up some trim to finish a few places we had removed it to install flooring. We don't have enough of the trim to do all the areas, but it's a start. It was too cold to do any outdoor trim cutting, so I'm hoping that will be done today?? 

I cleaned out the fireplace cabinet where I store all the photos, and kids art/school stuff from their childhood. It's all organized and purged. What a big job that was!! It's amazing how much I was able to store in that one cabinet. The other fireplace cabinet has our electronics and CD with some margarita glasses stored in it, so already paired down. 

We looked at this unfinished house near our house. We thought this would be a good one to finish if Celina and Don wanted to get their own house. They aren't ready since Celina doesn't know about her job. Not sure if anything will come up either which is worrying! She really likes working from home and her current job, it's just a contract that will expire in May. They aren't allowed to renew and must either let her go or hire on full time. At least she has gained 1-1/2 years of work experience that can help her get the next job. It will be a big adjustment if she has to go into work all the time. I'm hoping she stays employed! 

We went to the gym yesterday morning. I just did my 24 minutes of weight machines, then biked for 10 minutes. I really need to start upping my cardio again. Time to get back on the stair climber! I just need to make time for that in the afternoons. 

My sense Fitbit is toast! I did throw it away. No need to keep something that doesn't work. I do have my old Garmin watches that I should charge up and start using again. Might help motivate me. I can still use the Fitbit app to log food, but that's about it. Bummer too because I liked looking at all that info it provided. Maybe at some point I'll get a new one but for now? Nope. 

Today, I'll probably skip the gym. I want to get more painting done and purging. Not really sure what I'll purge, but I'll organize the back hall closet where we store sleeping bags, coats etc. I need to put away the winter stuff anyway and I need to get in there to do that! 

I picked up 2 more old customer jobs for next 2 weeks, extra money is always nice!! Steve also picked up another job from a current customer. As long as he keeps working, we are good! I didn't want to spend a bunch of money yesterday, but ended up paying $60 and Steve spent another $80 on going out last night. We are also going out next weekend for Celina's birthday, so another night out. We are trying to cut back on our meals out, since we waste a lot of money just doing that. I'd rather save the money and put it towards home projects or travel. 

Snow melting is on the way!! look at those 40 degree temps this week! We've now had snow since Feb 15th. It still looks like this... 
I'm guessing the snow cover will melt pretty quickly and I'll track the progress to see how many days it's going to take for it all to be gone! Let's hope this is the last of the snow on the ground staying! 


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Sums up my Monday!

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