Sunday, February 11, 2024


 Steve made a Philly steak sandwich for lunch yesterday on Ciabatta bread that was delicious! 

After the neighbor friend 50th birthday which we dropped in at 5:30pm talked to her parents/sister and then a quick chat with other neighbor friends we were off to go to dinner. 
This house always creeps me out with the cut out upstairs. Brilliant for Halloween, but not for every day! 

We did a little afternoon Groupon from Christmas that I had purchased and we needed to use up before April. A pretty good deal with trying all 8 of their beers and 2 pints all for around $25? I probably spent less because I think there was a discount code. I just don't recall what I actually pre-paid. At any rate, we tipped $6 and paid another dollar for a parking spot for the hour in St. Paul. A fun late afternoon before the party. I was feeling pretty good and happy when we went after those beers. 

Here's us at the bar. I'm feeling my age, 55 and looking it too. I normally don't wear my hair down and if I do, it's usually curled. Steve suggested to just wear it straight. So, why not! I think it actually looks okay! It didn't bother me either since I don't like hair in my face or to feel hot with it down. I always seem to have it in a pony tail or in a messy bun. I do need to mix it up a bit. I'd like to get some long bangs again, but am always afraid of cutting it and then not liking my hair in my face. 

I defiantly could use a trim up. I did cut my hair a little last night, but not enough to do much of anything. I don't like the color either as it's more reddish. Guess, that's better then gray! 

I got to work finishing up the front room furniture switch around. I moved out the couch and cleaned under it. All the dust and junk under there. Glad I did that! I just moved the side table to the other side of the couch and switched the plant next to the window. A little change up is good. 

I also finished painting ALL the upstairs doors! Put on the last of the door knobs and now I am moving on to painting/enamel the trim. I found a piece of wide trim in the basement that I think will be enough to finish the bathroom upstairs. I'll bring it up today and figure that out, then have Steve cut it to fit. I'm trying to find more stuff to purge and then will drop off at Goodwill Monday. 

My other plan is to groom Zoey today before the Super Bowl. Then I'll clean up the main level and finish vacuuming, dusting and washing the floor/kitchen clean up. 

I'm off Monday, so I'll have time to do more purging and mail out Logan's V-day package. I still need to deposit some cash into his bank account. I will do that Monday too. 

Trying to do a no-spend week. We did get some more Menards rebate cash, so we could use that to purchase trim and finish up some home projects if I can get Steve on board. We need 2 - 8ft trim pieces to finish the sides of the linen closet and a board to finish off the hall nook. We should have enough of that rebate money to not spend! 

Next week, not much is going on. Just will try to do more purging, working a little, doing advertising daily. No plans either for the weekend. Hopefully, something will come up and we will have plans or figure out something todo. Oh and there is V-day this week on Wednesday! I will drop off gifts to my grandkids and we will make a V-day dinner? Maybe Ravioli, that sounds good!Which will mean the no spend week is going out the door~ Well, it will be a try to spend less week! 

Steve has a few jobs lined up. Enough to get us through to April before he needs more jobs lined up again. I'm hoping things start to pick up because usually every spring work for him gets super busy and he is again booked out through the year. I'm trying to convince him to just work for himself the next 3 years. Build us a house, cabin and then maybe Celina a house next door. This way, he can just not look for work and we would be debt free too. I want to check out some land I found on line this week. So we will do a few drives out and about around town to check those out. Maybe save that for next weekend or a late afternoon? We would still need to paint the basement and I'd like to re-do the master bathroom before we sell to get top dollar. We also need to look into the cost to re-side our house on the sides and back. Probably should price that out to do this summer. Always something todo on the house and I'd like to live here and enjoy it for a bit if we plan to sell. Got to find out what the neighbors end up selling for before we decide to move. That will be the determining factor, along with how much work Steve is able to pick up and were Celina is at in a permeant job position after May. Lots still up in the air and to figure out, but we have time. 

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Sums up my Monday!

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