Monday, March 25, 2024

3" in March??

 Here we are at the end of March, 25th and we finally get more snow this winter! It only looks to be about 2 or 3" of really wet heavy snow. Of course the plows snow at the end of the driveway will be the worst to move if we even bother to shovel at this point. We have rain on the forecast for the rest of the day, with a little more snow before the storm finally moves on after Tuesday. It will melt as there are 40's and 50 degree temps coming soon. The sun is also stronger this time of year, so if we get a sunny day, it should melt pretty fast. 

Here's looking out the front door this morning. Maybe 2"? I just would rather see semi green and brown grass out there than snow! 

I keep checking the extended forecast for Texas the eclipse to see if it will be clear or cloudy. So far it's not looking good for April 8th. 
It could be worse or better as it gets closer and more accurate. Not loving seeing rain, but is only for the morning right now then says partly cloudy in the afternoon, which is when the eclipse takes place around 1:30pm on Monday, April 8th. It will be another 20 years to see the next full eclipse. Crazy to think that I'll be 75 years old, Celina will be 44 and Logan 41! I told them they will have to remember back when we were talking about how old they will be on the next eclipse and where they are in life. 

We are still going regardless if it's clear or not to see. It will get dark either way and we will still have a great trip adventure! 

It's Week #2 on my weight loss journey. It has not been perfect, but life isn't and you have to live a little too. Weekends will always be a little more of a splurge on calories. 
Sunday this is how it all went. Never made it to the gym or did the cross ramp. My bad! I did do a 1 min plank and my dumb bells. Better then nothing! 

Am- coffee, scrambled eggs, hash browns, 1 sausage and a biscuit. 800
Lunch- 3 cups popcorn 130
Dinner- Rice, peppers, pork with salsa and guac, 1 biscuit 700
After dinner- rasp and a banana 150

1800 cal aprox for the day. 

Since I am not working today. Most schools are on line learning or on spring break. This happens every March during spring break, I have a week of hardly any work. I'd rather have some work, but I am at least busy next week! I'll also start advertising again after we get back from our trip! 

Today's plan is to groom Zoey, Clean the kitchen, which I already started by loading the dishwasher and running it. I'll also clean the main level, picking up a bit in the porch and vacuuming/washing the floors. I'll do laundry, washing all the sheets on our bed and Logan's. Plus, clean the bathrooms. I probably should swiffer the upstairs floors too. I might not go to the gym today since I really don't want to go out on the slippery roads. We will have a combo of rain/snow. I'll do my cross ramp workout this morning and get it out of the way. We have some quotes to get out this week too. I think that's it for today. Not sure what I'll do Tuesday with all my time? Maybe clean and do more purging? I also have painting the mud room to finish up that project. 

I have yet to get Steve to install the spare room's closet shelf. Once that's installed, we can clean up the clothes on the bed and put all away in the closet. Once that's done, we can paint and finish up the spare room. 

Celina will find out today about the GM job. I have a feeling that she would have been notified by Friday if she got the job. Bummer, because it would have been perfect for her and would insure she had a job once her contract ends in May. Ugh!!! I am holding out for hope that she does get it. If not, something better will come along  as it just has to. 

Dumper also I'm hoping can't pay up and they start taking his money/property! I'm sure some Hail Mary will come through and we once again will be disappointed there are no consequences for his action and never held accountable. Once again, I'm holding out for hope! A lot going on today! 

Kendra and family left early this morning for LA for their spring break to Malibu. They come home late Thursday on the red-eye flight leaving LA at midnight and returning at 6am. I did check the weather and it will be at least in the low 70's and zero rain. She got a good deal on the hotel, flight and car rental for the 4 days at $1200 for the 4 of them. I think the car rental wasn't included, but not bad in all for a spring break trip when they jack up the prices. Hopefully, I"ll get some photos texted to me while they are there. 
It's Madelyn's first plane ride, but Evans traveled a lot since he was a baby to Washington DC and Florida multiple times. 

Logan arrived back at college yesterday afternoon via the train. His roommate picked him up at the train station thankfully! We will see him in a month as I booked his train ride back for an end of month April mid week concert. It will be a very short visit Tuesday night late 11pm - Thursday probably at noon or maybe he will leave Friday? No idea, he was planning on spending the weekend in Madison with friends so we shall see if he does that or stays the entire weekend? I really didn't want him missing any class, but he says he planned for it and hasn't missed any yet. 

Steve went out see if it was worth shoveling even though it's raining right now. Looks like it's not worth doing as it's just going to be easy to drive over it and it should all melt with the rain and warmer temps today. Or just make a slushy mess? 

That' didn't last long to figure out the snow was way too wet/heavy to bother with! 
He made one pass with the shovel on the sidewalk and now gave up! It's raining too much to even bother! 

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