Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Tuesday, March snow showers!

 We had rain all last night with the "warmer" above freezing temps and now this morning the temp dropped and we are back getting more SNOW. I'm over it! It's of course going to snow all day till 5pm and we could get another 3 to 5". It will stick around all day Wednesday and then start to melt in the sun on Thursday with the semi warm up to 34 and then the 40's the rest of the week! 

I sure do miss looking at brown grass! Here's the view from my front window this morning. The snow is already sticking to the roads. At least I don't have to travel anywhere today. I could go to the gym, but might just workout at home again. 

I got soooo much accomplished on my day off Monday. 

Here's what I did...

Cleaned the kitchen

Cleaned all the bathrooms and used the new "Pink" cleaner on the glass shower doors! It works!! 

Vacuumed and washed the main floor. Picked up. 

Cleaned the stove's oven and cook top.

Washed all the bed sheets/comforters our room and Logan's/made the beds

Washed my clothes and bath towels

Groomed Zoey

Before grooming

After grooming. I'm getting a lot faster at it, plus it helps I didn't wait as long so her fur was shorter. 
I didn't trim her ears as I think they are fine. After her bath, she will need to get her nails trimmed too. It's the part I hate doing, but will have to do it. 

I tried to keep busy all day and then after 4pm, I was done! I saved grooming Zoey for last because I'd have to shower after since the fur makes me all itchy. 

I have off today too. Lucky for me, a once in awhile customer called so I put her on the schedule for Friday! It's an extremely slow work week and I can't even use it to advertise. I am looking on Next door neighbor to see if anyone needs work. 

Today, I'll work out, clean the kitchen (a daily thing sometime more then once!)

Wash the rest of my clothes and dry them (in progress) 

Give Zoey a bath and re-clean my tub

Steve also has the day off, so get him to do a few home projects:

Finish mud/sand nook, install cube in closet, hang closet rack in spare room, go through his clothes. 

Paint mud room wall. I think he could get all this done in one day, but you know that's not going to happen. 

We also need to write up a few quotes and get an invoice out to get paid. 

Our oven is done for. The start button won't work any more. The stove top gas burners work just fine. We were going to just replace the control panel board and they no longer carry parts for our model. Go figure! We will wait to purchase a new gas stove until Steve secures more jobs and has many lined up for months or gets a big job! We have a microwave that is also an oven and air fryer, so we are going to try out that feature to see how it works. I think we can manage without buying a new stove till we are back from vacation. We do have our old white stove in the basement we can also use, but I don't really want to do that for an option. Not even sure why we saved it. Probably because it was hardly used before being replaced. We've had this oven for at least 22/23 years and it looks like it. We just never found another gas/electric duel fuel stove for a reasonable price. We'll have to switch to either all electric or all gas. We are going for all gas! So that's the next big purchase on the agenda. 

Celina never heard back yesterday on the GM job. She was supposed to get a call/got the job or an email didn't by Monday. I'm pretty sure this means she didn't get the job since she didn't hear by Friday. Ugh!!! Back to job searching! She still has time to find a job by the end of May or maybe another contract job somewhere else? It's a bummer as it would have been a perfect job and great timing, plus she wanted to stay with GM. Maybe, just maybe her manager will get the okay to hire her? She did mention at Christmas time they were going to hire 2 people, but then not getting the approval. 

My diet yesterday. Well I ate more, ran out of popcorn so I had rice and peppers with salsa for lunch, rice and pork for dinner and snacks, banana, hummus and pita chips and one biscuit. I still made okay food choices, minus the biscuit. I did avoid the cake temptation as I'm counting that as a win!

I also did my 12:30/1mile on the cross ramp and did my Dumb bell weights 1 set of 10/10/30/10 reps and 1 min plank. Never made it to the gym, but like I said, kept moving all day long. Maybe I'll hand wash the kitchen floor today to make sure it's extra clean since I just used the swiffer yesterday which doesn't really clean the floor! 

I work tomorrow morning thankfully! I sure hope the roads are okay by 9am because I have to drive all the way to Prior Lake. If it's nice on Thursday, after working I can do more advertising. I'd like to Wednesday too, but I think it's supposed to be windy 20mph. 

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