Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Almost done with March!!

 I'll be happy to see March end now that we've had all this snow! Temps are also down into the high 20's, which doesn't feel great at all! At least the sun is out today. We have a lot of melting to do in the next week! 

That's what we are seeing this morning. Maybe 6" of snow, good thing the other 5 melted in the rain/snow on Monday. 

Here's where we picked up the extra snow all day Tuesday. We decided to go to the gym, which was probably a mistake due to the roads being so icy! It was a slow drive there and home! This was taken on Yankee Doodle road which is one of the main roads and was in bad condition at 9a.m! 

I listed the cubes for sale. We are going to eventually put up another row of shelves in our mud room closet. It will give us a lot more storage space then just adding these two cubes. If they don't sell by the weekend for $10, I'll lower the price to free just to get rid of it. 

Zoey also got a bath and I attempted to trim her nails without any luck! I'll have to get out the grooming table to do her nails or bring her in to have them trimmed and just pay for the service. I'm guessing it's around $10? I will try one more time to do it myself. I need to do a few touch up spots on her stomach with the scissors anyway. 

We went to the neighbors friends goodbye party last night. Quite a few people showed up. We stayed till after 9pm. It's sad to see them leave but I'm sure we will stay in touch! 

I have yet to finish our mud room. I still need to paint the hook wall. It was on my todo list yesterday, but instead I washed a sleeping bag, more clothes and then washed our floors by hand, vacuumed the whole house, cleaned the kitchen, and wrote up some Invoices/quotes for Steve and we went to the gym.  I was pretty much done doing anything by 2pm. 

Since our stove's oven start button isn't working. We tried our microwave that is also an air frier and bakes. We've never baked anything in it. I decided to bake some sweet potatoes. I just microwaved first to get soft, then I baked for 30 minutes and what do you know! Crispy on the outside and soft inside. We now need to try heating up bread with the bake setting and then maybe making some cookies? This is a good oven option since we won't be buying a stove till at least May. Who knows, we may never need our oven again! Well, we do make lots of big pans of roasted veggies which you can't do in the microwave due to it being a lot smaller, but we can bake smaller batches. It's going to be fun to test out different options. 

What's on the agenda today? I have work this morning. Not as much as I'd like but at least work the next three days. Next week M-W is going to be BUSY! Good money making too which will be nice! 
I should go to the gym, but will go this afternoon if Celina wants to go. 

I have painting back on the todo list. Not really much else. I could always find more to clean or purge which I might just do. I'm waiting for the weekend to get out all the camping stuff for our trip. As most is in the garage and it's too cold to go up there and get out the stuff. We need to gather up all we want to use this weekend, so we are ready to go and can easily pack up the car. We are going to try and bring as less as possible, but still be able to cook etc. 

I also need to go to Costco, we are out of my lunch/popcorn. Plus, I need paper towels as we are almost out. I'll need to get jelly beans to fill up the Easter Eggs for the grand kids. I need to check to see what I have for them. I can't do other candy due to Madelyn's allergy to nuts, so it will be just simple candies and a few misc items to fill up a basket. Good thing I picked up some items right away when they first were on the shelves. 

Easter is Sunday, we are going to Tim's GF's parents house at 1pm for lunch/dinner. We are having Kendra  and family over for Easter Breakfast and the egg hunt. They will be going to her Dad's side Grand Parents house for Easter dinner. 

Not sure what we are making for Easter, Waffles/crepes, eggs, hash-browns and chicken sausage? I'd like to make a coffee cake, but that's not happening even with our microwave oven. Maybe I'll try making crackers today and see how they turn out. I also need to deposit money to pay for Logan's April rent. 

I'll tackle the storage area once again and see all what we can purge to make room for Steve's work tools. We have far too many holiday items too that we need to go through. This might be a good week to do all that. 

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Last of the season!!

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