Thursday, March 21, 2024

Day #4!!

 The days sure go by fast even when dieting. 

I ate more calories yesterday, but was I hungry or just wanted an evening snack? Probably the 2nd answer!! At least I made a low cal choice of having more popcorn. 

Here's what I ate all day:

Am- coffee 50 cal

Noon- 3 c. popcorn 130 cal

1wheat bread 120

1 tbsp honey PB 100

Eve- Pork loin -200

2 Street corn tortillas 300

guac /peppers 100

Eve snack

1 cup rasp 50

3 cups popcorn 130 

Total cal = 1050 aprox.

Still in my calorie range!

Here's the exercise:

Plank 1 min

Weights 10/10/30/10 Dumbbells

Gym - weights 24 min /full body 100 cal burn

Cross ramp 1 mile = 12:30 min = 100 cal burn

worked 9:30 - 11:30 2 hours = 400 cal aprox burn

Total= 600 cal burn

I've started a new spreadsheet also to keep track of my measurements, goals reached, number of days, date, and any progress/exercise & #cal ate etc.. I did this last time I lost weight and was able to revisit how long it took to reach my weight goals and how many calories/exercise and progress. I went well beyond the 100 days and then it just dropped off over the summer. I think that was the downfall, stopping because we left for mini vacations over the week and I didn't get back on track once back home. I stopped recording just because I reached 100 days, but not my goal weight. 

I do need to set up mini rewards, but that's not a super big motivator for me. It's more the weight coming off and being able to wear all my clothes again and have them loose or fit nice. That's the real reward! 

I don't think my hot pink swim suit that I ordered is going to arrive in time for my April trip. It shows a delivery date out to April 9th! Bummer!!! I sure hope it arrives before the 4th, but just in case, I actually purchased a black swim suit with a skirt and tank top. Yep giving up the bikini until I lose at least 20 pounds, but I have time to get back into it this summer by July 4th! Until that time, this is the option! I have yet to try on the swim suit. I just purchased with out trying on. I need to do that today and determine if it works or not. It's good to have a back up! 

I took this photo of how it's been looking outside most of the winter. We are starting to get green grass and here its only March 21st! We could get a lot of snow starting tonight through Sunday and lots of rain/snow the following week! UGH!!! So I'll have a before to show then after with the snow sticking around probably for a few days if not a week. Not ready to see all white again, but it will look pretty! We really haven't seen much white all year, so not horrible, but I'm done with winter and want spring!!!Would rather have it all in rain!!

I purchased this light on FB market place in Kendra's neighborhood. I'm able to follow what others sell in her hood. They listed for $20 and I asked if they would take $10. Sold! Not 100% sure I love it, but it's better than the boob light and of course only $10! Should I put it in the office or mud room? That's the decision!! 

I was kind of thinking office. It doesn't match any light we currently have, but I don't think you need to do matching any longer, more to fit the room. Which would look nice in the mud room or office. I'm leaning on office right now. That was the look I was going for originally. I need to find a few more lights to replace the boob lights through out our house in closets and in hallways. Time to get some deals on line! I'll get Steve to hang the light this weekend or will try to do myself. I probably should learn how to do this myself. 

What's going on today. Lucky for me, one of my monthly clients was going on vacation next week and switched to today. That's better then skipping and going to my busy week before Vacation!! Next week is a very slow work week unfortunately and with the rain/snow I won't be able to advertise. Ugh!! 

I plan to go to the gym this morning. I'll run on the cross ramp this afternoon and do my morning workout too. Plus, burn calories working aprox 3 hours this morning. 

I have errands to do, just go to the bank and pay a bill too. I need travel coffee cups which are at Costco. Those will come in handy for our trip. 

My pulled pork/pork taco's in the crock pot turned out kind of flavorless. I probably should have added onions as I just put in whole peppers and pineapple. It was still tender meat and made nice taco's and BBQ pork. At least we have meat for the kids to make lunch with or eat for dinner for a few days. I'll be having that again for dinner tonight, both tacos and BBQ pork as I like the combo of having a little of each with some peppers. I need to make some rice to go with it. Maybe make more fried rice too. It was delicious! Which reminds me, we need soy sauce!! 

Logan has a few more days left of spring break. Went to breakfast yesterday with a friend to a pop up bakery. He brought back a brownie croissant. I had a taste and it was very good. I'm not sure what his plans are for today? 

We are celebrating Steve's Dad's 85th birthday early on Saturday, so Logan will be here for it. I want to make a carrot cake or have Logan make it for him. What do you get an $85 year old? No idea!! Flowers? A plant and a card with some treats. 

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