Friday, March 22, 2024

Woke up to March SNOW

 I looked outside this morning to see about 2 inches of wet snow. At least the driveway has only patches of snow to maybe shovel? The sidewalk to the front door defiantly needs to be shoveled off and the roads are clear. At least all the snow has stopped for now. The next round is Saturday night and all day Sunday into Monday! Actually, all next week is peppered with snow/rain combo before the 40's come back again. 

This morning photo VS last night. Probably should take down the hammock later this afternoon before Sunday's snow! I want to use it on our vacation! 

I made some more fried rice last night for dinner to eat with the pulled pork. We now can make Mexican taco's, BBQ pork or asian pork with fried rice. Three ways to eat up all that pork! 
This was much better than my other previous batch of rice. I actually had Kikoman's soy sauce and not Trader's Joes which is completely different! I don't know if there is a shortage of that brand, but I only found a small bottle in both Cub locations. 

Here is Logan at the popup bakery he went to with Maggi. He also went out to sushi with Celina yesterday and then had coffee with his Meme'(grandmother) at her house in the morning. Still am not sure if he applied to internships/a job for this summer? That's on him now. I've done all the reminding I can!! 

We leave for our Texas trip in 13 days!! I'm looking forward to our weeks vacation! We are trying to make it as cheap as possible, saying at Hipcamps and at our friends. Cooking our own food and bringing drinks instead of eating out and going out for drinks. We'll explore parks, take walks/hike, swim in the pool and have an adventure staying different places and seeing new scenery. The main event is the solar eclipse which is 100% free! We plan to stay all day at their place and have a pool day/happy hour/meal making kind of day. I think we do plan to have dinner at least one night out with our friends. I should figure out a gift to give them for our stay?? Not sure exactly what?? Maybe Mexican Domino's train?? Or we'll call it the Texas Domino's train!! lol.. Plus, maybe some flowers that we can pick up before arriving as they do have a Costco near by. There is also some gemstone mines in MO that I want to get some rocks at and if we stay at a certain Hipcamp we can look in the river and find them for free. I do love my rocks from each location we go. Now I can bring a few home from Texas too! 

Diet Day #5 made it this far and now I'm on my way to day 100. I don't know why it takes me so long to get back on track when I venture off. I have a pretty easy time with sticking to it. Although, I did not go to the gym yesterday afternoon like I planned to lift weights. 

Here's what I ate:
Am- coffee with cream 50 cal
noon- popcorn 3 cups 130cal
1 wheat bread 120 cal
1tbsp honey PB 100 cal
Eve fried rice 2 cups with Pork loin 800
1 sm banana 70 cal
1 cup rasp 50 cal

Total ate: 1320 cal which is higher than I would have liked because I ate an extra cup of fried rice. Some days I'm going to need the extra calories but it's still with in range 500 to 1500 cal for the day. 

What did I do for exercise:
1 mile cross ramp 12:40 min = 100 cal burned
Cleaned = 2 Hours = 400 burned
Plank 1 min/Dumbbells 10/10 /30/10

I ran errands yesterday getting supplies for my rice and getting more fruit so I had something to eat after dinner. I do like something sweet after dinner and fruit is the trick. 

I also cleaned up our kitchen. 

I've now decided to put the new light in the mud room. 

This new light will replace that ugly boob light that we've had since we built the house 24 years ago! Maybe I'll put that in the closet instead? We have an even uglier light in there! Kendra and Mollie helped me decide that this is where it should go and not the office as I was originally thinking. Glad to have help deciding! Now I need to find a good office light! Just not sure what?? 

I will finish up the painting on our mud room this weekend. I'll enamel all the white and it will be 100% done! 
It's going to be a stay at home type weekend anyway with the snow coming. We might go out for Fish dinner tonight to celebrate Steve's dad's 85th birthday. We need to pick up flowers and some kind of candy to go with that? I'm not sure what else to get him?? 

I work today at 11 and then am going to Madelyn's preschool for grandparents day around 2:30pm. I'll bring her home so I need a carseat which we still have Evan's when he was that age. I just need to get it down and put into the car then adjust it for her. 

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Last of the season!!

 We went boating on the St. Croix river yesterday afternoon for the last time of the season. It was a nice 84*F day, kind of cloudy. The wat...