Saturday, March 23, 2024

Saturday. Last full day

Friday nights sunset 

 It's Logan's last full day at home for spring break. He will be on the train most of Sunday leaving at 8:50 and arriving back in Milwaukee around 2:30pm. We are supposed to get maybe a foot of snow! YIKES!! Let's hope they over hyped this storm and we don't get as much or rains and it melts the snow. The snow we got on over night Thursday was pretty much all melted by Friday afternoon. We can at least see the ground and it's bare in lots of places, but of course shaded areas still have the same 2 or 3". I am not ready for a foot of snow! At least it will only be around a week or less since it's supposed to be in the 40's again the following week and do a lot more rain/snow next week. We do need the moisture, so at least that helps this winters drought. I'm just not wanting to see snow at this point as we are ready for spring!! Green, plants growing and warm weather!! At least when we are in Texas it should be all of those things in 11 days. I keep checking the forecast for our trip too. Fingers crossed it's all good weather! At least Texas looks good, but I did see rain that Friday when we do the last part of our drive from OK to Texas. Might be a good idea just to car camp that night and have zero tent to put away! I'm all for easy set up and put away to get on the road and have little to do once there. 

We went out with Steve's parents because they wanted Friday Fish fry. We just went to the Legion along the river in Hastings as they have the best fish. Steve of course had the broasted chicken that looked really good. I think for the 6 of us the bill with at least 4 drinks was $112? Not bad considering it's easy for 2 people out to spend that. They treated us to dinner, which was nice! I of course went a little off my diet to enjoy 1 beer and some fried fish and cheese hash browns. Plus, I had a cookie and some Cheeto's at Madelyn's grandparents day at her preschool. 

Madelyn had to remind me that she is allergic to peanuts and the M&M's could be made with nuts. Yikes!! I didn't even think about the m&m's. Glad this 4 year old let me know! She's a smart girl. 

My hair sure is looking red. It must be color fading. I only color the roots, but as it grows out it's picking up all the reds in my hair with the fading. I might have to do an all over color before our trip! Then it will be too dark. I'd really like it professionally done, but don't want to spend the money on that since I'd have to go monthly for touchups. I like the price of the box color! It's all the same stuff as I know from making hair color back in my Aveda chemist days. 

We are celebrating Wayne's 85th Birthday today. We should do Steve's mom's too since we will be gone for her birthday on April 6th. Might have to do that the week we leave and just stop over with flowers etc. Maybe go for dinner Tuesday night at their house as she will be 86. 

Today is home projects, hang the light, the gym and having everyone over for pork taco's tonight. We'll have to go to the store to pick up a few items for tonight and I'll have to decorate for his birthday with at least a  HB sign. 

Sunday, I'll finish painting the mud room and I'm hoping I can get Steve to install his closet rack in the spare room so we can finally clean up his clothes all over the bed. It would be nice to look in that room and not see a huge mess. After we clean it up, we can paint the walls and I can redo the headboard in another color and get a new bedspread or use our duvet that we only need in the winter months. We have plenty of pillows and sheets etc.. 

Logan will be back in a month Tuesday - Friday to see a concert. I just checked the train prices and it's only $37 with a 15% student discount. Go figure, sending him back was $107 on Sunday! He will just take the car and drive to school keeping it for little over a week as he finishes up classes early in May. He can then just drive home and we don't have to go pick him up this spring. We just will have to pay for at least a week of parking. Guess we will see how much that costs. His roommate can park on the street and we can pay for her spot or I can contact the apartment complex and see how much it would cost for that time to park his car. That might be the option we go with! 

Looking out my window this morning, it's sunny.. the calm before the storm. Just a little snow peppered with bare ground. It's going to turn cloudy and the snow will be starting around 1am. Let's hope the roads are okay for the drive to the train station as we can't be late! Trains don't wait!! 

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Last of the season!!

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