Sunday, March 24, 2024

Party time

 We threw Wayne an early 85th birthday so Logan would be here. We had taco's and all the fixings plus roasted carrots, peppers and onions. Steve made enough food for 20 people so of course we have tons of leftovers. 

We didn't set aside enough time to bake a cake for Wayne, which he always requests carrot, so we went to Sam's and picked up two cakes. One was plenty! 

I of course had cake, and a few drinks of wine, seltzers and a beer. At least two of the three were low cal at least. I stuck to one pork taco and some rice with a few roasted carrots. So not too bad on the diet considering all I had was 3 cups of popcorn that day. 

We did manage to get to the gym and I lifted weights for 24 minutes, did my home plank and weights plus, made sure to do my mile on the cross ramp. Burned at least 200 cal with exercise. Better than nothing for the day. 

Steve showed me how to take down the old light and then hook up the new one. It was difficult and we noticed it was missing one nut so off to ACE Hardware for the 60 cent part. I think it hangs too low. Might look better in the office?? I'm still not 100% sure. Steve now likes it in the mud room. No one really said anything last night about the light or it being too low. So I'm not sure what to do now. 

Zoey is getting pretty furry again. I'll have to groom her Monday. I'm not working Monday and Tuesday due to customers being on spring break and moving to last week or next week. So it's a very slow work week, but the short three days before our trip I'm going to be busy with work and a move out on top of that! Ugh!! Not complaining because I'd rather have work!! Just better to be more spread out then all at once which is what's happening. I also had a client call to stop service due to finances, so that's money I'm out of. Ugh!!! I do plan on advertising more when we get back from our vacation as Steve will need to book out more work too. He is picking up more jobs on his schedule and some how it all works out. Usually he is booked out till Fall by now, but I think extra taxes everyone had to pay has something todo with the slow season so far. Someone always needs work! We also have quotes to put together, so that is more potential work 

Logan heads back to college today on the train at 8:50am. Good thing it only snowed a tiny dusting last night. They still say we could get a few inches from today around 10 to Monday when it turns to rain.

 Logan will be back in exactly a month to watch a concert on April 25th then will drive back to school, so he will be able to drive himself home after school is done for the summer. We won't have to pick him up this spring. Which we don't mind doing since we combine with camping. We'll have to do that next year, so might as well enjoy the break as we will be taking him back this fall. Funny how when I checked the train prices its only $38 for one way, compared to $100+ what I paid for today's train. They sure do jack up the prices for holiday and spring break! 

Today after we drop him off at the train, I will install the old light in the laundry room. I started installing it and then wasn't sure we would keep the light in the mud room. I'll just finish that up today and get myself to the gym. Day 7 of my diet, as I'll always have weekend cheats with drinks as I've done that before and still lost weight. I have some party kitchen clean up, putting away the washed dishes and then loading up the rest of the dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher. We have tons of leftovers for dinner, so that's what's on the menu. Plus, we are supposed to get more snow 1 to 3" today, so it's a stay home kind of day. I'm sure Monday is going to be a stay home one too, unless we go to the gym in the morning. That's going to be my only outing. 

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