Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Day 3 of my weight loss journey!!

 Tada.. here we are already day 3 of my weightless journey. I was going to take some measurements, waist, hips, thighs, arms but have yet to do that. Today is the day! I need to know my starting point to track progress other than step on the scale, which I won't do! It only discourages me to do that and I don't care what that number is. I go by how I feel, look and how my clothes are fitting. 

My hardest part of the weightless is at night, after dinner. Sometimes the time in-between lunch and diner 3 to 5pm when I want something to eat. I just have dinner a little earlier and that seems to help. My after dinner snack has been fruit, a banana and raspberries. I also don't seem hungry at all on this diet. I do get a little bit hungry for lunch, but feel fine after having 3 cups of popcorn. I ran out of it yesterday, so made a trip to Costco to stock up! 

Dinner I eat whatever we are having, but I'm trying to make healthy choices, veggies and protein. Last night I made a sweet potato in the air frier and had a few of Steve's pan fried potatoes with onions along with rotisserie chicken and some roasted cabbage. 

I'm making taco's tonight with the pork loin. I'll put that in the crockpot this morning and we can either make taco's or pulled pork with the meat. It's large enough for a few meals, which will probably last until Thursday?? 

It looks like from the weather forecast, that we could get enough snow to ski. Ugh!! Not loving the upcoming snow or weather the next 7 to 10 days! The snow starts Thursday with up to 4", Sunday now they are saying 6 to 8", but at least it starts warming back up with a snow/rain comb and back into the 40's Monday, dipping back into the 30's then back to 40's again. It at least won't stick around. Just not excited to deal with snow!! We do need the rain or any moisture since it's sooo dry. It will help green up everything. 

I had a super busy work day on Tuesday working till 3:30pm with an hour break from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Today, I have time to go to the gym and workout, then I work today 9 till around noon. Perfect work hours. I was semi lucky this week to have only 1 client on spring break. April is half me being gone and a few clients also on vacation here and there. March and April are always like this every year. 

Steve is set for jobs at least for April/May. I'll have to do more advertising, weather dependent of course. I'll probably wait till we are back from vacation or the last week in April. I don't think next weeks weather is going to allow me to get out and advertise with the rain/snow combo going on and snow piled up. 

I did kind of lose a new customer, just going every once in awhile vs monthly. Not a total loss, but a bummer. At least it paid for my advertising efforts as well as another new client that just did a one time. I potentially could pick up a move out once they move to a new location? 

Waiting for news if Celina got the job is the hardest part. She should find out by Monday at the latest. Fingers ripple crossed she gets the job!!! There are two others that are also in the running. This job would be perfect for her and I really hope she gets it! Her current boss highly recommended her for the job plus she has 1-1/2 years now of work experience. I sure hope that's enough! She did ask for the high end of the pay range, but they said it wasn't a problem. The benefits sound great too. Plus, she loves working for this company. I always say, if it's meant to be it will, other wise something better must be waiting! So ?? 

Logan is still home on spring break from College. He didn't do a whole lot yesterday. Just went to his grandparents house for beef tenderloin dinner last night. I'm hoping that he at least applies to jobs asap! He was supposed to over Christmas break, but that didn't happen and now he is needing to do that now or he won't get a internship this summer. I already said I'm not funding fun this summer. We pay enough for college! He needs to get a summer job! Most kids work during the school year too for extra money. 

My home project have come to a stand still. I will most likely start working on them again over the weekend and next week. I have a very light work schedule next week, so I have plenty of time to figure out more projects. All I can really do is paint the mud room. Go through my clothes, clean up the laundry room, make a trip to Goodwill. Try to sell stuff on C.L or Market place. I'll have dieting too which will keep me busy going to the gym etc. 

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