Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Success on Day 1!!

 That's right, I started my weight loss spring journey. A little late, but better than never this year! 

Day 1 was pretty easy. They all won't be that easy so I need to toughen up my mental strength to go 100 days, or to aprox July 4th. It will give me plenty of time to lose 20 to 30 pounds. I could stand to lose at least 40, but I'll focus on that after the 100 days. 

Here's how I did Day #1, 

Breakfast Coffee with a touch of ice coffee to add some sweetness aprox 50 cal

Lunch - 3 cups of popcorn

1 slice of seeded wheat bread 120

Honey PB 1 TBSP 100 to 150? 


Roasted carrots/cabbage 50cal

1 cup fried rice 300

Snack 1 banana 1000

Aprox cal ate 850


Cleaning 2.5 hours = 200/250 cal

Cross ramp 1 mile/12.3 min = 100 cal


I wasn't temped to have a sugar snack since I had some fruit/banana. 

I'll have to get more popcorn today as we are pretty much out. I'll also stock up on sweet potatoes and have protein/veggies for dinners. Trying to keep the calories around 500 - 1000 per day for the next 100 days and get in exercise daily with cleaning/cross ramp/gym/planks etc. 

It feels great to be on the losing side of weight. I'll feel better to in a few weeks of weight loss effort. Even after Day 1 I feel so much better and have a positive outlook on my weight loss journey. It just takes that first step and then off I go to losing weight. 

The down Side of weight loss is that I felt tired in the afternoon. Then again, I always feel tired after working. I did take a nap, but I didn't sleep well the night before. So I needed the extra rest. I did wake up to a headache, but it kind of went away with coffee this morning. 
I might have to cut my hair like this again with long bangs. This photo was taken years ago. 

What's in store for today Day #2? 
Weight loss starting off right with a coffee and will have popcorn for lunch. I'll pick up pork to make some taco meat in the crockpot for tonights dinner of Mexican. I'll just put salsa and peppers/onions on my taco with some guac. Skipping the tortilla and loading up on salsa. Maybe I'll make rice instead? 

Exercise is plank/weights/cross ramp 1 mile and cleaning for 3 to 4  hours today. 
I'll also have to go to the store to pick up popcorn, sweet potatoes, veggies and meat etc.

That's about it for what I'll be doing today. Just work, diet and stop at the store. 

We find out this week if my daughter gets the job. She had her 2nd interviews yesterday that went really well. There are 2 positions, but interviewing for 1, so a very good chance at getting the job. Fingers crossed as she has more 2nd interviews today and then will find out. This would be a perfect job. Now to get Logan a job for the summer!! He has yet to apply and his spring break is going fast now. I'm hoping he finds time to get that done asap! He needs a job lined up for the summer. We can't keep giving him money all the time to support his fun. 

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