Monday, March 18, 2024

Marching into the cold and snow?

 We went from 60 degree temps last week, now to snow likely on Thursday and cold 30 degree temps. UGH!! Why is March doing this to us now. We want to have full spring and stay in the 50/60 degree temps!

We had everyone over last night for St. Paddy Day's dinner of corn beef and cabbage. I didn't care for the corn beef. Ugh. It was rubbery or maybe it was just the meat I picked out? I tasted one bite and that was it. Just stuck to the roasted carrots/cabbage and boiled potatoes. I would have liked roasted potatoes, but that's what Steve choose to do. 

We had plenty of decorations up for the occasion complements of Kendra. I'll have to put them into storage to use again next year. Now to decorate for Easter. 

I should have taken more photos, but this is all I took of the occasion. 
I was thinking of getting something like this for the back mud room, but it looks cheap and cold. My neighbor found a long beach at the Home store for $100. I might have to look there. It's not something I need right away. I need a new rug for our front room more then I need another bench. We also are going on a vacation, have taxes and college tuition to pay all in April. Ugh! So defiantly not going to be making extra purchases right now. 

I have a busy work Monday which is unusual, but needed. I'm hoping my entire week is busy and I don't have everyone on vacation?? I sure hope that the money I am expecting this week is what I'll get, but there are always schedule changes and I just have to roll with that. The jobs just roll over to the following week. It might complicate my vacation week with all the schedule changes I need to make, but I'll figure that out the closer I get to that time. No need to start switching things up, but I have made some pre-plans and notified some of my clients all who are fine with the changes. 

I didn't do a whole lot yesterday or the entire weekend. I did touchups to the mud room both on Saturday and Sunday. It's still not 100% done. I need to enamel the wood trim and then do one more coat of white paint on the walls. I'll finish that up this afternoon. 

I did figure out where to put the hats/ mittens etc. Just rearranged our walk in closet in the mud room and then I have plenty of room. Steve will just re-hang up the old 2 cubes in that closet and I'll have even more room. I plan to sell the mirror as I don't need it. I reused the old hooks in my closet, so now I have more hooks to hang up my clothes etc. It's easier than using a hanger for my workout clothes. Drys and is a place other than our bathroom to leave them. 

I'd like to add at some point in our kitchen, a pull out garbage and some soft close hinges. Plus we still need to redo our master bathroom shower and deck. Plus, finish the trim around the house and then we have outdoor projects, painting the garage inside, finish power washing the back of the garage siding. Foam up the holes in the basement/paint gray. Fix the grass with sod or seed. Trim more of the tree branches. Oh and then tar the driveway. I think that's it?? lol.. A little every where in our house. We are making progress!! I'm just waiting for the warm up so I can start the outdoor stuff. Steve has to do all the trim, so that's not on my todo list. We will work on the outdoor projects together with me doing the driveway tar. It's looking like the outdoor stuff isn't going to happen till we are back from our trip mid April. It at least will give us something do to on the weekends up until we go to the lake for Memorial Day and to pick up Logan in Milwaukee again Mid May for the summer. 

I need to start a diet. I've been wanting to all winter and have yet to do it. There is never a great time to start, but I've started right before the holidays before and done great. It's just a mind game. 

Here's the diet plan

Am - coffee aprox 50 cal

Noon - popcorn 130 cal (3 cups)

Eve - dinner (what ever we are having?) making healthy choices veggies etc

Snack - nothing. Plenty of water through the day. 

Aiming for around 1000 to 1500 cal per day. 

Exercise/ Morning / Afternoon

Daily planks, lift weights

Cross ramp at least 10 min or 1 mile 

 Start stair climber at Gym 10 to 15 min with 25 min weighs. at least 5 days a week. 

Keep busy/sit less in the afternoons/ Advertise or go to the gym and workout or both. 

Kendra started losing weight right at Christmas due to a heart scare. She has lost at least 40 pounds and I want to do the same again. She is inspiring me to do the same. I lost at least that much last winter, but gained it all back. I've done it a few time now, losing at least 50 pounds so I know what to do. It's exercise and diet combo and once at Goal weight I have to keep exercising and making good food choices. I gave up on myself over the summer, fall and winter. Now that it's heading into spring I need to do something now. So here it is. Going to start today on the right track. 

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Last of the season!!

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