Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Middle of the week!

 Made it through Tuesday late night pick up of Logan. Sooo good to have him home. Our visit last night was short since the train arrived in at 10:40pm, 20 minutes early! We picked up Canes for him and then drove home and I went to bed. 

I was extremely unproductive all day on Tuesday with only going to work. My work day was split up 9:30 a.m to 10:30a.m and again at 2:15 to 3:30pm. I didn't feel like doing much of anything. It was windy out and not the warmest with it being cloudy and occasional rain. The deck sanding was out on my todo list, but at least I have the sander and can do it when I'm ready, which might be after work today. I have a new client, but starting work around 10:15am today and not sure how long it will take but I'm sure to be home around noon. Gives me plenty of time to sand the deck. 

I'm thinking about letting Logan use my car for going back to Milwaukee. It's supposed to rain a lot and be super windy both Friday and Sunday when he has a lot of driving to do. His plan is to stay in Madison for the weekend and head back Sunday. If I do let him use my SUV for 2-1/2 weeks, I'll need to get the tabs either today or tomorrow. Tabs are still pretty costly for my 2019 SUV! Good thing I picked up two more jobs this week with working on Sunday! I'm off Monday, so this is the trade off. Plus, next weeks schedule is on the lighter side and unfortunately is supposed to rain most of the week. Which means, no advertising! 

I will lose a client in July due to her finances after her husbands death. I have her scheduled at least 2 more times and then will need a replacement, which I hope to pick up soon with the new client. Hopefully, I'll hear back this week. Plus, I'm cat sitting next month for a week, which is easy good extra money. Plenty of time to get a replacement client to fill that spot. 

My goal this week is to just work, workout, get to the gym and try to eat healthy. I did get some low cal 80 yogurt and some strawberries instead of raspberries just because the price was a lot lower. I add fruit to my yogurt and it makes a good after dinner treat. Plus, I need the calcium in my diet other than getting it from cheese alone. 

A few of my clients have been getting covid. Yikes! I'm hoping I don't catch it! One of the clients is 98 years old, so this is not good! I was around him on Monday and he found out yesterday, tested positive for covid. I did wake up with a headache, so took Advil and had my coffee. The headache feels a little better, but it's still there. Logan also said a lot of friends/kids at college are getting covid. It's going around again! 

I did start my little egg carton garden of just sunflower seeds. They are really old seeds, so I hope it works. I have them covered under scran wrap and added some food fertilizer to a spray bottle that I'll use to water daily. I have other seeds I want to plant, but need to wait for more egg cartons. I'll have to make some popovers to use up the milk and eggs. Might have to do that today. Although, it will be interesting to see if that also works in our microwave/oven combo. I'll use the silicone cupcake pan and see if that works. Might as well try!! I've been wanting to make some crackers too, so that's also on my baking list. 

It's sunny today and less windy, so I'll probably try some sanding on the deck too. I have the stairs and rails to get some of the chipped paint off. I'm guessing the staining of the deck will have to wait at least a week till all the rain is done. We won't get any outdoor projects done this weekend since it will rain all weekend. Maybe get some indoor stuff done. I have yet to put away my clothes from our Texas trip. Probably should empty out the suitcase and put that all away. 

Survivor and Amazing race is on TV tonight, so we have that to watch all evening. The kids have a concert so we need to drive them to Mpls by 6pm and will be home in plenty of time for the start of the TV shows at 7pm. 

Celina had her interview yesterday. It was short with just HR. She will find out Thursday if she gets a 2nd interview with the hiring manager. Fingers crossed!! Plus still waiting to hear back from WF recruiter. I sure hope she finds a job soon before the end of May, both these jobs would start exactly at that time, so it all would work out perfectly. 

Logan is also applying for internships etc. I sure hope he gets something as most companies don't bother to even answer back. Its a weird and tough hiring process now.

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