Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Today is the day!!

 Logan is home tonight!! I did check the upcoming weather for his drive back to Milwaukee and it looks like wind/rain combo Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The only clear day is Thursday. I never heard back on his plans after the concert Wednesday. Go figure! I'll probably be scrambling to get all in place for him with either parking or a train ticket. Ugh!! Kids! 

I woke to 2 good text messages. Finally heard back from a client and got that on my schedule then got another once in a while client needing work too for this week. It all helps as auto insurance is due this week and my tabs by April 30th. I've been managing to pay all the bills minus mortgage and cell phone. I'd like to pick up a few more jobs to cover the cost of the cell bill too. This way, bill paying is a lot easier for me each month. It's a 50/50 split on bills, which I like to keep fair. Although, I have been paying a lot less than my share in the past, but I've covered most of the food/misc supplies etc. I figure it all evens out and it really doesn't matter what account the bills come out of, but it just feels better splitting the costs. 

I keep checking the weather/rain/wind combo to see when I'll be able to do some advertising. Also my work schedule can't be overly busy either and I don't work on weekends as it has to be M-F. Saturday would also work, but I don't want to do it then either. Next week also looks like an advertising bust as it's going to rain pretty much every day! We do need the rain, but I'd like to pick up a few clients for both of us!! 

I made my first quiche in the microwave/oven combo. It was about the same amount of time baking, but sure turned out better! The crust was the best one yet! I'm loving baking in the microwave. The only down side, is that its a lot smaller then the oven. If we wanted to bake a big pan of veggies or cookies we'd be out of luck. We can only bake a smaller pan size amount. I'm sure it would be easy to just cook a few batches. 

My chocolate croissants this morning. This is the pan size the microwave came with. I did bake in a glass pan for the quiche, but haven't tried other types of pans. I'm kind of scared to do that! Slow and steady baking progress in that oven combo. Thankfully, we have an oven to use until we do purchase a new gas stove/oven. It's a bummer we even have to replace it since everything else works just fine. Its just the stupid start button on a panel they no longer make. Between the air frier and the combo m/o we are making due just fine. 

I have work this morning and then again at 2:30 pm this afternoon. In between I need to clean the kids bathroom and then I'll work on sanding the deck. Steve needs to find my sander I purchased for the deck, but of course has put in some place I can't find in all his work stuff in the garage. I've been asking him to locate it for me, so hopefully he does that this morning. I want to make more progress on getting the deck all finished before all the rain next week. I can knock out all the sanding today and we can do the stain tomorrow or Thursday. 

The last episode of season 1 of Shogun is on TV tonight. I'm not sure it's going to extend beyond 10 episodes, so we are done watching this show and will have to find another one to watch. Survivor is also dwindling down and the amazing race, plus the boat show. Pretty much the only TV we watch. 

I was emailing a friend M-F, but her work schedule is pretty over whelming, so no time to respond back to me. I've decided while I enjoy the email writing, if I don't get a response back, there is no point in continuing. I'm lacking responding friends in my life that live near by. I'm guilty of not really going out of my way to include friends. No one's fault but myself. I'm okay with it being mostly just me and Steve. He does have his brother. I have my three kids and grandkids that I can make plans with, but I don't even seem to do that as I like my alone Thursday time most weeks. I do need to do a better job of making plans with my kids/grandkids. Things that don't cost money! Going out to dinner or get coffees add up. Even holidays buying things every doesn't need adds up to added not needed expenses. This idea that we always have to spend to see each other is what stops me. Maybe a picnic at a park / potluck where everyone brings something to share. I need to figure out ideas that I enjoy and can be done with out adding extra expenses to just see each other. 

I did run errands yesterday since I couldn't' work on our deck. It also rained around 3:30pm. So no deck sanding since it was all wet. I made the quiche to use up eggs for the carton to plant my seeds. I need to get dirt today and start my seeds. It's on the todo list! 

Still waiting for my refund from the sander rental deposit. That was $100 and the return of $40 in sand paper. Home Depot sure takes their time getting you the money back on your card. I am checking because I want the refund! 

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Sums up my Monday!

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