Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday.... here we are

 Back at Monday. It kind of felt like mid week to me for a second. Days are kind of all blending together! 

We were productive on our Sunday compared to Saturday. The weather was much warmer and less windy, so that made outdoor projects possible. While we aren't done with it, we made good progress on the deck repair and restore! 

We rented that big heavy sander from Home Depot. We only had to use 1 sandpaper which was $10 per sheet. I'm still waiting for the money to go back for the rental, but it was around $65 total. Our labor was of course free. While Steve sanded, I scraped the stairs and side rails along with some paint on the top deck that is still stuck. Never again will we paint our deck!!! Much better to just stain. Steve thinks a stain color would look better then just clear since its a little green in some areas from never seeing the sun. I'd like to just do a clear coat and be done. We do need to purchase some black paint for the rails. I have more sanding and scraping to do first. I'm sure at some point, we will replace the rails with metal and probably the posts. It's still good just needs to be painted. Even the top boards are good and don't need replacing. We'll use the Menards rebate now on the stain, which should be covered by the rebate. In all a cheap home project with big results once finished. I'm hoping to get this done this week before the weekend rain. I do have a somewhat busy work schedule this week, but enough time in the afternoons to get this done. 

We are still getting by with our microwave/oven. Steve cooked some chocolate croissants this morning and wow, turned out beautiful, crispy brown!  Can't wait to eat one! Thankfully, this option has worked for an oven until we can replace our gas stove/oven. I have tabs on my SUV to pay this month and we went on the Texas trip, so of course any extra funds went to those expenses. We haven't really looked for a replacement seriously yet and will do that I'm guessing in May. Maybe a good bday gift for Steve! Because what else do you really need? Other than he probably could use another pair of shoes for work, which means route out and get a new every day good pair of shoes. 

We treated ourselves to a beer out after the deck projects. Since we didn't need more then 1 sheet of sand paper at $10 per sheet. So with saving on the other 4 sheets $40, we treated ourselves to $5 dollar beers in River falls, WI. It was a nice drive. I was kind of tired after the deck project, but Steve wanted to go and it was nice getting out of the house. Although, I was happy to be back home and making burgers on the indoor grill for dinner. 

Today, I have a busy work day. Probably finishing around 1:30/2pm. Tuesday is another busy day and Friday. My Wednesday and Thursday are not busy this week, which is fine. I do need to also advertise for more jobs. One more client is coming back mid May, so I'll have an extra job per month until October. Plus, I will most likely have another estimate next week for that other new client and that too is just a monthly client. Which leaves me with picking up at least 2 more clients on my schedule because I still have those every once in a while clients that I have to allow for in my schedule. 

Dieting, is what I should be doing. It's not what's going on. Now that I ate a chocolate croissant for breakfast, I'm not off to a good start. It's in total calories for the day, not just one meal. I have time to correct and still come under calories. I'll have popcorn for lunch at 130 cal and not sure what for dinner? 

Logan comes home tomorrow!! It will be sooo nice to see him and have him home for a few days. I'm not sure what his plans are, if he will go back the next day or stay the weekend? I think Celina needs his car on Thursday for work, so he wouldn't be leaving until she gets home at 3 or drives back Friday, then there is just staying the weekend or taking the train which I found out is a lot cheaper Thursday then the weekend Friday- Sunday! It goes from $50 to $150! I need to follow up on the cost for having his car parked at his apartment. It will save us money and time if we don't have to pick him up when he is done with school this year. Celina will be out of a car, but should be able to use mine in the afternoons if needed. She might have to miss a day at work or could also take my car that day too. I need to find out from Logan asap what his plans are for the weekend and going back. 

We have other outdoor projects to complete that also don't cost that much. Just tree trimming which Steve can do. We will have to pay to dump the branches which is $15 per truck load. Most likely we will have to make at least 2 or 3 trips as we have a lot of branches already and will add more once more trees are trimmed up. 

We have at least 10 bags of dirt leftover from a few years ago. We will use that to seed some grass or use to build up the front yard where tree roots are coming up. Probably just purchase sod and lay it ourselves in the front yard. The dog goes out there and it would just be easier by the front door to have sod vs seed and dirt. I'll just have to be better about watering the grass daily until it takes hold. 

I haven't started my seed project. I am waiting on the egg carton. I will make a quiche for dinner to use up lots of eggs so I can start this asap. I just need some half and half cream and some cream cheese for the crust. 

I've been reading blogs and have a few customers and a friend that has retired from working. I'm not sure that's a great option. They seem bored with life. No purpose any more. We wonder what the heck they do all day?? I love my part time working schedule that I've been doing since getting laid off in my mid 30's. I will always want to have something to do each day. Plus, keeps you young and moving. 

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Sums up my Monday!

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