Sunday, April 28, 2024


 I had a productive Saturday morning since I worked from 10 to 12. At least that kept me busy. I did nothing all afternoon. We did go to the store for a few items for dinner then back out again for a few more things for Logan as he requested fresh fruit. We also filled up his tank with gas. Logan and his friend Maggie joined us for pizza dinner at home with a few mocktails. It was nice they joined us and we talked about the future cabin plans which both were interested in seeing and figuring out what will eventually be built. We are a few years away from being able to build since we want to wait till our mortgage is 100% paid off, which is 2026. It can't come soon enough! We will need the rental income to help pay for the cabin, but that's fine because we won't want to be up there every weekend anyway. Sounds like all the kids friends want to join us again for the holiday weekend at the lake. I was hoping to get a new tent so we have enough for all. We do have at least 3 good tents that sleep 10 total. We have a back up tent Steve and I can use, but the zipper is questionable, which is why I only like to use it in the back yard. I was going to not use the really big tent anymore, but might just use it anyway. We took out all the tent stakes last year, but I guess we could always put more in the ground. A new tent is around $300 and I really don't want to spend more on that right now. 

We are all going out for breakfast this morning, then Logan will do the 5 hour drive back to Milwaukee. It's going to rain all day too. Although now it looks like it won't start till around noon. He might have some dry weather before the rain starts. He will be back home on May 9th or 10th. Which isn't too many more days left of college. It will be nice having him home for the summer. He still has not lined up any jobs, but has at least applied for a few online. He at least will have his grandparents yard to mow, which they pay $100 per mowing which will be at least $200 a month for him. Plus, I'm sure he could do other landscaping for them this year and get extra money too since there is always branches to pick up and trim mulch to refresh and flower to plant etc.. It's something at least! 

I also would like to do more advertising for jobs. We are getting a lot of rain all week. So no advertising or getting any outdoor projects done. All will have to wait till next week. 

I did hear back from the new client and will most likely meet sometime this week as she wasn't feeling well. Glad she texted to let me know as I was beginning to wonder. I'm also hoping another client that I've been filling in for, will need me again this week. Fingers crossed that turns into a permeant job. Its just if her current person isn't able to do the job any longer, she had some surgery and is still recovering. I like the extra money it provides. All my snow birds are back for the summer too. Which is extra money/jobs. I still have spaces on my schedule to fill up as I have some every now and then clients call too. Some weeks are less busy and I'd like them all with at least 2 per day and I could do 3 some days too. 

I managed to get to the gym at least 2 times this week. Not exactly as much as I would have liked. It's 27 per month, so I need to make it cost less per visit, which means I need to go more often! Otherwise, I'm paying too much per workout. I need to go in the morning with Steve or at least go in the afternoon too. If the chiropractor copay wasn't $28 per visit, I'd go more often. Not going to go now that the amount is more per visit. Good thing I feel good! 

I'd also like to do more baking in the micro/oven combo. We broiled pizzas since the cheese on top wasn't  melting, but we grilled them and were starting to get burnt on the bottom. Worked great!! I'm getting the hang of it! You just can't put that much in since it's small, so we had to cut the pizza rectangles in half to fit and cook 4 separate times. I want to try crackers and popovers. Maybe I'll do that this afternoon while it rains. 

Other than work next week, all that is going on is Celina's 2, 2nd interviews. Monday and Friday. I'm sure we won't find out till next week if she got the job. I sure hope she gets this one!! 

I put my indoor herbs outside a few days ago. The basil took a little bit of a hit with the temperature change, but still looks good. I added in some flowers since I had a few leftover from the front pots. 

Just bough a few flowers to freshen up the pots. I usually plant herbs, but since I saved them from last year I don't need extra herbs. I'll bring out the other planters on the deck to the front just one of the tall planters to make both sides even and the other planters will remain on the deck. Less clutter! I do like having color back at the front door in the pots. 

I just kept it super simple as I didn't want to spend a lot on flowers right now. I still have my SUV tabs to purchase which I need to do by the 30th. I'll go do that on Tuesday after work, which is the last day before they expire. I think I have a 15 day grace, but don't want to go there! 

I managed to pay all the bills and then some with what I earned this month, plus we went on a 10 day vacation so I consider that a win/win!!  I also won't have to give Logan money for food etc during the summer months, so will save there too. I'll be using that money to pay off what we owe for the remaining college balance to get that paid off by September or sooner. 

The cost of living has gone up so much they now say you need to earn $200K for a family of 4 to live middle class. Most incomes per person look to be around $50 to $70K on the average. I see why young people are not having kids and are not buying houses. They are falling $50 to $70K behind every year. How are you going to add the expense of kids on to that?? 

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